Election-weekend political comedy
There's a political comedy show election weekend in the South End which I wrote much of; it's only $9. Here's the information:
>>If you're ready for the election to just end, join "Schmolitics" for some pre-votin' comedy. One weekend only, Thursday October 30 through Saturday November 1 at 8 PM at the Factory Theatre for the low, low price of $9.
"Schmolitics" is the first political comedy show of the post-Bush era; laugh at all the pain before it's gone, and then we have to laugh at different pain. Our cast includes sad intellectuals at parties, quirky superpowered feminists, sullen Massachusetts Republicans, Palin-worshipping tweenagers, insurance bureaucracies that crush souls obliviously, and more.
Call (866) 811-4111 or go to http://www.theatermania.com/content/show.cfm/show/... .
For directions: http://www.thefactorytheatre.org
Halloween Night is 'Talk Like a Political Zombie' Night (Optional, of Course).
And what will the death of the last Baby Boomer be like? Find out that and more by hearing clips of our show at our Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/unreliablenarratorboston
"Schmolitics" Wants to Know:
Why all the negativity, man? Shouldn't we be talking about all the nice things the candidates have done for us over the years? Send us your stories of nice things politicians have done for you from our web site http://www.unreliable-narrator.com and we'll publish them like we did for these people:
"A few years ago Tom Menino mugged me at gunpoint, but he was nice enough to let me keep my medical insurance card."--Naira, Charlestown
"One day like half the bookstore staff called in sick, and I asked Barack Obama to come in to help cover and he did, even though he had a debate in Mississippi that night. I tried to talk about health care policy, but he just wanted to keep talking about his iPhone and World of Warcraft. It was scary."--Chandra, South Boston
"One time I was living in this roach-infested apartment, and I mentioned it to Sarah Palin and she came over to machine-gun them all to death. She missed about a third of 'em and konked out the heat, but she was pretty nice."--Andy, Medford
Trust us, now.
-Carl Danielson
Unreliable Narrator<<