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BRA to Lowe's: Close but no cigar on Brighton proposal
By adamg on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 10:21pm
Harry Mattison posts a copy of the BRA's letter to Lowe's telling it its proposal for a new store on Guest Street in Brighton is "inadequate." This could pave the way for New Balance's $250-million mega-development or a lawsuit, or both.
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The BRA is a joke
These people started the process in 2007 and get an "answer" in 2010 which basically states "um we dont know yet."
What is there not to know? They claim they have to re-evaluate the development of that land. I have lived in the area for over 10 years. Its been a shithole the entire time.
God forbid you bring jobs to the city, make an eyesore something better than it is today, and even bring some competition to the likes of Home Despot.
Frankly I dont care what goes in there - just clean it up already! Boston, you can thank your elected mayor Menino and his troop of freeloading idiots. This city will never learn.
The only thing this paves the
The only thing this paves the way for is a guarantee that nothing will happen for a while. The BRA's decision states that the study is expected to be complete in 2.5 years ("the closing months of 2012"). Then a developer - whether it is Lowe's or New Balance or someone else - will have to start their community review and permitting process for their specific proposal, which will take at least another year.
be aware that there are
be aware that there are pro-corporate bloggers, possibly being paid by the corporations to combat negative news.
There are marketing companies that offer this service now of 'social blogging'