Campaign roundup: Apparently the Secretary of State's office is shortstaffed, because Bill Galvin has to do everything himself
Mike Ball reports on Jim Henderson's press conference outside Suffolk Law School. Who he? He's the independent running against Bill Galvin, who didn't want to see his shadow and participate in a forum at the school. OK, OK, Galvin tells the Globe because he couldn't take 90 minutes out of his busy day for a debate.
Video from a congressional forum sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition in Brookline last night. One of the attendees was parodist un-birther Hudak, who withdrew his Tierney's-mean-to-me lawsuit yesterday.
Bay Windows reports that, despite a gay running mate, Baker refused its repeated requests for an interview. Richard Tisei, though, does a Q&A with Bay Windows. WBUR reminds us that Patrick and Baker have different ideas on how increase jobs. Baker and Cellucci finally get on the same page about that 1988 Big Dig memo. David Bernstein chats with the Quincy IHOP job-search club that Patrick keeps bringing up. The Outraged Liberal waxes outraged over possible Baker ads this weekend accusing Patrick of wanting to raise the income tax to 7%, which he's never suggested.
The Herald reports that Therese Murray concedes that maybe not all Tea Partiers are nutjobs.
Punditocracy: Globe endorses Patrick. Surprised? Wayne Woodlief lists the smartest and dumbest moves by the Patrick and Baker campaigns. Michael Graham says Massachusetts voters can either do the right thing and vote Republican or they can just live with themselves the rest of their miserable lives.