So someone who works for Tompkins is arrested for domestic violence. Bad as that is, what's worse is your attempting to tie this unfortunate incident to your opponent. Do you have any right to publicize this unfortunate domestic incident? Did Tompkins instruct this man to beat his wife? Did Tompkins in any way, shape or form have anything to do with this incident? No, he did not. It's only in your sick twisted little mind is there any relevance to this election, other than to show the world your absolute desperation to be elected to a job you are nether qualified for or mentally fit to possess.
Than again, Steve Tompkins never did this, did he, Dougie? From The Inquirer and Mirror of Nantucket 9/15/06:
As he exited the courtroom of the Town and County Building where the board’s meetings are conducted, Bennett allegedly pushed former selectman Frank Spriggs out of the way, prompting a verbal confrontation that was quelled by police chief Bill Pittman.
“He came from behind me and pushed me as I was going down the stairs,” said Spriggs, 71, who Bennett defeated in the 2004 selectman’s race. “He said something to me, I don’t know what he said, I couldn’t understand, and that was the end of it. He could have waited for us to get by.”
Spriggs said he had no intention of pursuing the matter any further.
“There had been some contact and a verbal exchange between the two individuals after the meeting,” Pittman said. “But at this point, neither has approached the police department about filing any charges or criminal allegations.”
Bennett did not return numerous phone calls seeking comment on the episode.
Bad as someone allegedly hitting his wife is, assaulting a 71 year old man for no reason other than he disagreed with you is not only disgusting, it's cowardly and fitting behavior for someone as immature and outright stupid as yourself.
The archives has a series of examples of his behaviors (physical and verbal) as well as lack of preparedness for meetings. So much so he was taken off the island Yackon, but as you have noted many times, would come back as someone 'anonymous'. It appears you have his number...
Jeanne Goranson is correct. You should go check out because there is actually very little information about me as Selectman and County Commissioner.
Jeanne Goranson is also an internet stalker who has been investigated by the police.
If you would like to learn about my successful tenure as County Commissioner and Selectman in which I was elected at 28 years old, click on any of these links below. I know that my friend likes to talk about how I was at one time Vice Mayor or whatever you want to call it Vice-Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. It is true. I was also Acting Chairman of the County Commissioners.
My tenure as Vice Chairman (Vice Mayor) of the Board of Selectman did end because three of my fellow board members did NOT like that I spoke out against how two police officers, Drug Cop Keith Mansfield and Bill Higgins, were denied promotion to Sergeant in favor of two other officers who failed the promotion exam.
This is a very similar situation like outgoing Police Commissioner Ed Davis faced when there were 15 Police Officers who were up for promotion and he overlooked Police Officers of color who scored the same or better than those individuals picked for promotion. "12/5/05- Bennett speaks out against police officer overlooked for promotion due to politics") . I was never voted out of office.
In fact if I ran for re-election, I was headed for a landslide victory. The reason why I didn't run again was because I had decided if I was going to make it bigtime in public service and help more people, I had to come to the Big City and here I am Boston. And next year, when elected Sheriff, I will be where I can most greatly affect the lives of the nearly million people who live in Suffolk County.
Click on the following links to read about Bennett's record as a County Commissioner and Selectman:
Of course, what Dougie fails to mention is how he Googled Ms. Goranson and found out she's living in Concord. Then Dougie has to throw a little libel in there to show what a complete ignoramus he is when it comes to the law, which is funny when you consider he's running for Sheriff. Of course the last time he ran for a public office, it resulted in a lovely website extolling the virtues of Super Beta Prostate, not an elected position for our little Dougie. Do you have proof Ms. Goranson was investigated for internet stalking by the police, Doug? Kind of like this favorite, eh?:
In fact, "dvdoff" was so alarmed that yesterday at 6:30P, I received a phone call from my opponent's campaign manager Frank Perullo of Sage Systems saying that this blogger "dvdoff" called him to complain about my candidacy. So by the way "dvdoff," I know who you are. Frank told me. (I've known Frank through political circles for several years and he ran Cabral's campaign).
I kid you not. This is a fact. "Dvdoff" called my opponent's campaign manager complaining. This is the God's honest truth. This individual "dvdoff" does not want honest government and public servants who will do the will of the people. Instead, he wants to complain and not do anything to fix our broken system.
Of course, Mr. Perullo has never responded to this slander and Doug himself still to this day has never provided proof that I ever called Frank Perullo, which I have no interest in doing. Then again why should facts stop Dougie? Doug also goes out of his way to tell us there is not that much on him on the Yack board nowadays. I'd imagine it was because he was kicked off of the Yack board for scurrilous statements like the ones he makes on this site and any and all comments by him have been scrubbed from the site. And Doug has of course been trying to make people believe he would have been elected in a "landslide" if he ran again for selectman. but from what I've been told, he was about three seconds from being run out of town on a rail.
Of course there's this latest gem where he's apparently been following me around at the other websites I comment on, Gawker and the Herald. I also post comments on, all under the dvdoff name. Unlike Dougie, who posts under the fake screen names "Democraticmassachusetts" on Blue Mass Group, "Townie" on Uhub, and my favorite, "Roslindale Ronnie" in the Herald. This from a man who excoriates anyone who posts anything negative about him anonymously as "cowards".
And now this, attempting to exploit the family issues of someone he doesn't even know for political gain, based on an unproven association with his opponent. That does not appear to be the actions of someone who is either a rational human being (which we all know he isn't) or someone who is confident in his ability to win. Keep it up though, Doug, between this site and your passive aggressive actions on Twitter, I'm sure Sheriff Tompkins (yes, the man who is Sheriff, not the idiot who thinks he's fooling people into thinking he's the incumbent) gets a good laugh at you every day.
And if further proof of Doug's insanity is needed, you'll notice he upvotes his comment so many times and so quickly after posting, that he must have his kids doing it for him. And it must have been a slow day at the office when he went back and upvoted every one of his old comments after the new system went into place. Nice job,Doug. Nothing on your false resume here about pushing a 71 year old man down stairs, eh Doug? Who is lying about that, Doug?
1. David Off @DvdOff3 3 Oct
@MikesInWalpole @bostonpolitics Also Doug left out the part where he was removed as vice chairman for his wackiness in Nantucket.
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2. David Off @DvdOff3 3 Oct
@MikesInWalpole @bostonpolitics Don't let Dougie bother you,Mike. Check out and see Doug for the idiot he is.
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3. David Off @DvdOff3 28 Sep
@bostonpolitics @BostonSheriff Sure you will, unless one of them question your qualifications, then you'll just call them names
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4. David Off @DvdOff3 24 Sep
@bostonpolitics @ericafletcher @bosbastard Actually Doug Bennett is a failed Senate and City Council candidate who is now running
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5. David Off @DvdOff3 20 Sep
@bostonpolitics @PCopc1063 Now that's how you communicate with voters, Doug!
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6. David Off @DvdOff3 20 Sep
@bostonpolitics @PCopc1063 Now that's how a man who looks out for CO's talks to one! Man of the people, right Dougie ?
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7. David Off @DvdOff3 20 Sep
@bostonpolitics @PCopc1063 Chike, Doug's nonsense is well exposed on @universalhub! Check out some of Doug's antics there!
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8. David Off @DvdOff3 13 Sep
@bostonpolitics Hey, Doug! Think Sheriff Tompkins is having a good laugh at you today? No court case for you, eh?
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9. David Off @DvdOff3 11 Sep
@bostonpolitics I mean, it can't be the Clerk Magistrate laughed in your face, can it?
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10. David Off @DvdOff3 11 Sep
@bostonpolitics So, Doug? What happened with Sheriff Tompkins yesterday? You were so quick to publicize your bringing a case against him!
Do you have proof that Jeanne was investigated by the police for internet stalking? Did you assault a 71 year old man? Can you prove my name is Dan or David? Can you prove I ever called Frank Perullo? And what kind of animal is Sheriff Tompkins? I thought you had a thick skin, Doug? Your foolish attempts to sway people into voting for you here and on Twitter and your ridiculous use of the Patch for your nonsense shouldn't go unanswered.You have no qualifications and you're about as literate as a four year old. You don't like when anyone disagrees with you and you resort to childish antics when confronted. You have no business being in politics and if you think I'm stalking you because I challenge every stupid attempt you make to use the internet to attain a job you don't deserve and are clearly not mentally capable of handling, then keep thinking I'm a stalker. I feel like I'm doing the taxpayers, the CO's and more importantly the prisoners a favor by letting them know how truly stupid you are. Isn't that right, "Roslindale Ronnie"?
People are arrested for ALLEGEDLY assaulting their wife. Innocent until proven guilty.
You expect people to put you in charge of upholding law and order, but you can't even control yourself enough to treat others fairly in the eyes if the law as it is.
By Chike Payton Coney on Tue, 11/12/2013 - 7:48pm.
Douglas do not include me in your lunacy. You are the embodiment of what we in the corrections business like to say Cell Warrior! You are tough when you feel safe like on this message board. You have been all over these message boards and twitter making idiotic statements acting like a fake tough person. I AM PROUD UNASSUMING TO THE EYE CORRECTIONS OFFICER. I have done this task for nearly a decade. I STOPPED DOING FAKE TOUGH THE FIRST TIME I TOOK A COUNT. You want to run a Jail and a House of Corrections. Here is your first lesson INMATE AND CO’s CAN SPOT FAKE FROM TWO COUNTIES AWAY!
So now, you want to ask questions of other people who question you. Well guess what we are not running for office! With that said, I have some questions for you. AS AN INDEPENDENT VOTER IN SUFFOLK COUNTY, I CALL FOR ANSWERS!
1. Why are YOU a Democrat now after being Libertarian candidate for the US Senate in February? When you answer this keep one thing in mind the key word is right out there. I do not care about Thompkins, or Warren. I am asking you and you alone! WHY ARE YOU AND YOU ALONE A DEMOCRAT NOW?
2. Why have you blocked me on twitter after I asked you a simple question? Now I know a season veteran candidate like you cannot be scared of me asking you “Why do you signs say Vote for Sheriff Bennett when you aren’t the sheriff?” Now you did try to make yourself feel like you were better than me by asking why my feed was congested with porn. Now I am no computer whiz but I can say that the links of the porn stars I follow may contain porn. However, I have a life outside of indulges so my next question is…
3. How do you know that my twitter is congested with porn if you have click a link to see porn?
4. You hinted at saying that you would get Suffolk County House a 10% raise. Nevertheless, were nowhere to be found at the HB 59 hearing on 10/31/13? Do you really care about CO’s and their Families or are you just a Panderer for votes?
5. What will you do for veterans as sheriff? Both who work for and are incarcerated in South Bay and Nashua Street?
6. You hinted at a program idea on twitter about getting Jobs for released South Bay inmates in local government. Wouldn’t you think that that program might upset people without convictions applying for those jobs?
7. You said you want to get Illegal guns off the streets of Suffolk County. How do you plan to remove illegal guns from the county when the sheriff does not have the statutory authority to do so?
8. Why isn’t Tompkins mentioned in the Boston Globe article about Councilmen Brown even when you refer to him as a “Top Lieutenant” of his?
9. Finally, since you did block me on twitter but have a have a habit of calling people cowards on other message boards why are you being a coward by blocking me?
That is all I have for now. Your answers would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. My offer to meet me for a tour of the Cambridge still stands as a well to address my concerns about your campaign my offer to come to my home is not on the table anymore. You should get on this quick we are closing next year.
So much for the "man of the people" Also check today's Herald online story about Steve Tompkins. Doug went into full slander mode posting as "Roslindale Ronnie". When confronted with this attempt at duplicity, Doug resorted to calling me "Dan Farkum" whoever that is!
By Chike Payton Coney on Sat, 11/16/2013 - 9:24am.
Since you where so quick with your reaction to councilmen brown's arrest. I want to know how do you plan on dealing with officers who may be arrested for the same charge?
Disgusting...even for you, Dougie
So someone who works for Tompkins is arrested for domestic violence. Bad as that is, what's worse is your attempting to tie this unfortunate incident to your opponent. Do you have any right to publicize this unfortunate domestic incident? Did Tompkins instruct this man to beat his wife? Did Tompkins in any way, shape or form have anything to do with this incident? No, he did not. It's only in your sick twisted little mind is there any relevance to this election, other than to show the world your absolute desperation to be elected to a job you are nether qualified for or mentally fit to possess.
Than again, Steve Tompkins never did this, did he, Dougie? From The Inquirer and Mirror of Nantucket 9/15/06:
Bad as someone allegedly hitting his wife is, assaulting a 71 year old man for no reason other than he disagreed with you is not only disgusting, it's cowardly and fitting behavior for someone as immature and outright stupid as yourself.
Disgusting ...even for you, Dougie
The archives has a series of examples of his behaviors (physical and verbal) as well as lack of preparedness for meetings. So much so he was taken off the island Yackon, but as you have noted many times, would come back as someone 'anonymous'. It appears you have his number...
Jeanne Gorenson. I love ya! How's Concord, MA treating ya?
Jeanne Goranson is correct. You should go check out because there is actually very little information about me as Selectman and County Commissioner.
Jeanne Goranson is also an internet stalker who has been investigated by the police.
If you would like to learn about my successful tenure as County Commissioner and Selectman in which I was elected at 28 years old, click on any of these links below. I know that my friend likes to talk about how I was at one time Vice Mayor or whatever you want to call it Vice-Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. It is true. I was also Acting Chairman of the County Commissioners.
My tenure as Vice Chairman (Vice Mayor) of the Board of Selectman did end because three of my fellow board members did NOT like that I spoke out against how two police officers, Drug Cop Keith Mansfield and Bill Higgins, were denied promotion to Sergeant in favor of two other officers who failed the promotion exam.
This is a very similar situation like outgoing Police Commissioner Ed Davis faced when there were 15 Police Officers who were up for promotion and he overlooked Police Officers of color who scored the same or better than those individuals picked for promotion. "12/5/05- Bennett speaks out against police officer overlooked for promotion due to politics") . I was never voted out of office.
In fact if I ran for re-election, I was headed for a landslide victory. The reason why I didn't run again was because I had decided if I was going to make it bigtime in public service and help more people, I had to come to the Big City and here I am Boston. And next year, when elected Sheriff, I will be where I can most greatly affect the lives of the nearly million people who live in Suffolk County.
Click on the following links to read about Bennett's record as a County Commissioner and Selectman:
6/18/03- A brief look at Politics and Douglas Bennett
12/31/03- Bennett brings fresh face to local politics
12/18/03- Bennett first to throw hat in ring
4/1/2004- Bennett bio
4/8/04- Bennett triumphs in election for County Commissioner and Selectman
4/8/04- Bennett elected
4/22/04- Bennett creates Energy Commission
5/20/04 Man of the People Bennett enters sewer to better understand sewer infrastructure
7/22/04- Selectman Bennett asks DA to investigate CPC
9/23/04 Piere Rinfret: “I support Douglas Bennett.”
10/28/04- Bennett chairs County Commissioner Summit between Nantucket and Dukes County over possible succession by Nantucket from Steam
Ship Authority
4/14/05 Bennett stands up for teachers facing possible layoffs
5/26/05- Bennett help brings Red Sox World Series trophy to the community
9/22/05- Bennett suggests town buys out contract of landfill operator
12/5/05- Bennett speaks out against police officer overlooked for promotion due to politics
12/8/05- Bennett’s plan for Fuel Efficient Municipal Vehicles
7/6/06 Bennett participates in meeting with German Officials on Russia, the Middle East, and Alternative Energy
1/4/07- Bennett proposes construction of Ocean Windfarm
Once again, Dougie refuses to tell the real story...
Of course, what Dougie fails to mention is how he Googled Ms. Goranson and found out she's living in Concord. Then Dougie has to throw a little libel in there to show what a complete ignoramus he is when it comes to the law, which is funny when you consider he's running for Sheriff. Of course the last time he ran for a public office, it resulted in a lovely website extolling the virtues of Super Beta Prostate, not an elected position for our little Dougie. Do you have proof Ms. Goranson was investigated for internet stalking by the police, Doug? Kind of like this favorite, eh?:
Of course, Mr. Perullo has never responded to this slander and Doug himself still to this day has never provided proof that I ever called Frank Perullo, which I have no interest in doing. Then again why should facts stop Dougie? Doug also goes out of his way to tell us there is not that much on him on the Yack board nowadays. I'd imagine it was because he was kicked off of the Yack board for scurrilous statements like the ones he makes on this site and any and all comments by him have been scrubbed from the site. And Doug has of course been trying to make people believe he would have been elected in a "landslide" if he ran again for selectman. but from what I've been told, he was about three seconds from being run out of town on a rail.
Of course there's this latest gem where he's apparently been following me around at the other websites I comment on, Gawker and the Herald. I also post comments on, all under the dvdoff name. Unlike Dougie, who posts under the fake screen names "Democraticmassachusetts" on Blue Mass Group, "Townie" on Uhub, and my favorite, "Roslindale Ronnie" in the Herald. This from a man who excoriates anyone who posts anything negative about him anonymously as "cowards".
And now this, attempting to exploit the family issues of someone he doesn't even know for political gain, based on an unproven association with his opponent. That does not appear to be the actions of someone who is either a rational human being (which we all know he isn't) or someone who is confident in his ability to win. Keep it up though, Doug, between this site and your passive aggressive actions on Twitter, I'm sure Sheriff Tompkins (yes, the man who is Sheriff, not the idiot who thinks he's fooling people into thinking he's the incumbent) gets a good laugh at you every day.
And if further proof of Doug's insanity is needed, you'll notice he upvotes his comment so many times and so quickly after posting, that he must have his kids doing it for him. And it must have been a slow day at the office when he went back and upvoted every one of his old comments after the new system went into place. Nice job,Doug. Nothing on your false resume here about pushing a 71 year old man down stairs, eh Doug? Who is lying about that, Doug?
If Dan, I mean David, I mean dvdoff is not a stalker, then...
why are you stalking me on twitter?
Here you go:
1. David Off @DvdOff3 3 Oct
@MikesInWalpole @bostonpolitics Also Doug left out the part where he was removed as vice chairman for his wackiness in Nantucket.
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2. David Off @DvdOff3 3 Oct
@MikesInWalpole @bostonpolitics Don't let Dougie bother you,Mike. Check out and see Doug for the idiot he is.
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3. David Off @DvdOff3 28 Sep
@bostonpolitics @BostonSheriff Sure you will, unless one of them question your qualifications, then you'll just call them names
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4. David Off @DvdOff3 24 Sep
@bostonpolitics @ericafletcher @bosbastard Actually Doug Bennett is a failed Senate and City Council candidate who is now running
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5. David Off @DvdOff3 20 Sep
@bostonpolitics @PCopc1063 Now that's how you communicate with voters, Doug!
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6. David Off @DvdOff3 20 Sep
@bostonpolitics @PCopc1063 Now that's how a man who looks out for CO's talks to one! Man of the people, right Dougie ?
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7. David Off @DvdOff3 20 Sep
@bostonpolitics @PCopc1063 Chike, Doug's nonsense is well exposed on @universalhub! Check out some of Doug's antics there!
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8. David Off @DvdOff3 13 Sep
@bostonpolitics Hey, Doug! Think Sheriff Tompkins is having a good laugh at you today? No court case for you, eh?
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9. David Off @DvdOff3 11 Sep
@bostonpolitics I mean, it can't be the Clerk Magistrate laughed in your face, can it?
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10. David Off @DvdOff3 11 Sep
@bostonpolitics So, Doug? What happened with Sheriff Tompkins yesterday? You were so quick to publicize your bringing a case against him!
Well, Doug?
Do you have proof that Jeanne was investigated by the police for internet stalking? Did you assault a 71 year old man? Can you prove my name is Dan or David? Can you prove I ever called Frank Perullo? And what kind of animal is Sheriff Tompkins? I thought you had a thick skin, Doug? Your foolish attempts to sway people into voting for you here and on Twitter and your ridiculous use of the Patch for your nonsense shouldn't go unanswered.You have no qualifications and you're about as literate as a four year old. You don't like when anyone disagrees with you and you resort to childish antics when confronted. You have no business being in politics and if you think I'm stalking you because I challenge every stupid attempt you make to use the internet to attain a job you don't deserve and are clearly not mentally capable of handling, then keep thinking I'm a stalker. I feel like I'm doing the taxpayers, the CO's and more importantly the prisoners a favor by letting them know how truly stupid you are. Isn't that right, "Roslindale Ronnie"?
Seems to me....
8 people like what's happening on your Twitter feed....
You forgot this one, wonder why?
"@bostonpolitics @BostonSheriff @deehan @MAPolitix Doug never mentions the 71 year old man he assaulted in Nantucket, though. Wonder why?"
Funny you seem to have omitted that one, eh, Dougie?
Great sheriff you'd be
People are arrested for ALLEGEDLY assaulting their wife. Innocent until proven guilty.
You expect people to put you in charge of upholding law and order, but you can't even control yourself enough to treat others fairly in the eyes if the law as it is.
I'm Calling You Out
Douglas do not include me in your lunacy. You are the embodiment of what we in the corrections business like to say Cell Warrior! You are tough when you feel safe like on this message board. You have been all over these message boards and twitter making idiotic statements acting like a fake tough person. I AM PROUD UNASSUMING TO THE EYE CORRECTIONS OFFICER. I have done this task for nearly a decade. I STOPPED DOING FAKE TOUGH THE FIRST TIME I TOOK A COUNT. You want to run a Jail and a House of Corrections. Here is your first lesson INMATE AND CO’s CAN SPOT FAKE FROM TWO COUNTIES AWAY!
So now, you want to ask questions of other people who question you. Well guess what we are not running for office! With that said, I have some questions for you. AS AN INDEPENDENT VOTER IN SUFFOLK COUNTY, I CALL FOR ANSWERS!
1. Why are YOU a Democrat now after being Libertarian candidate for the US Senate in February? When you answer this keep one thing in mind the key word is right out there. I do not care about Thompkins, or Warren. I am asking you and you alone! WHY ARE YOU AND YOU ALONE A DEMOCRAT NOW?
2. Why have you blocked me on twitter after I asked you a simple question? Now I know a season veteran candidate like you cannot be scared of me asking you “Why do you signs say Vote for Sheriff Bennett when you aren’t the sheriff?” Now you did try to make yourself feel like you were better than me by asking why my feed was congested with porn. Now I am no computer whiz but I can say that the links of the porn stars I follow may contain porn. However, I have a life outside of indulges so my next question is…
3. How do you know that my twitter is congested with porn if you have click a link to see porn?
4. You hinted at saying that you would get Suffolk County House a 10% raise. Nevertheless, were nowhere to be found at the HB 59 hearing on 10/31/13? Do you really care about CO’s and their Families or are you just a Panderer for votes?
5. What will you do for veterans as sheriff? Both who work for and are incarcerated in South Bay and Nashua Street?
6. You hinted at a program idea on twitter about getting Jobs for released South Bay inmates in local government. Wouldn’t you think that that program might upset people without convictions applying for those jobs?
7. You said you want to get Illegal guns off the streets of Suffolk County. How do you plan to remove illegal guns from the county when the sheriff does not have the statutory authority to do so?
8. Why isn’t Tompkins mentioned in the Boston Globe article about Councilmen Brown even when you refer to him as a “Top Lieutenant” of his?
9. Finally, since you did block me on twitter but have a have a habit of calling people cowards on other message boards why are you being a coward by blocking me?
That is all I have for now. Your answers would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. My offer to meet me for a tour of the Cambridge still stands as a well to address my concerns about your campaign my offer to come to my home is not on the table anymore. You should get on this quick we are closing next year.
Almost 3 days and no response!
So much for the "man of the people" Also check today's Herald online story about Steve Tompkins. Doug went into full slander mode posting as "Roslindale Ronnie". When confronted with this attempt at duplicity, Doug resorted to calling me "Dan Farkum" whoever that is!
Saw my first...
... spray-painted graffiti ad for "Sheriff Bennett" along Hyde Park Blvd the other day.
New question Doug!
Since you where so quick with your reaction to councilmen brown's arrest. I want to know how do you plan on dealing with officers who may be arrested for the same charge?