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West Roxbury landlord formally files plans for apartment building on Lagrange Street

Proposed Lagrange Street apartments in West Roxbury

Architect's rendering of the view from across Centre Street.

Michael Argiros of Charles River Realty today filed a formal request with the BRA to let him replace the increasingly decrepit old asthma-inhaler factory he now owns on Lagrange Street with a $10-million, 48-unit apartment building with 81 parking spaces.

Argiros, who bought the closed factory only a couple weeks before it became a fire-ravaged closed factory, originally proposed 62 apartments and 52 parking spaces, but decreased the former and increased the latter to try to appease furiously outraged neighbors.

Six of the apartments will be marketed as affordable.

In his application, his architects write:

While West Roxbury is known primarily as a neighborhood of single family homes, the Project will provide housing options for singles and new families hoping to enter this limited sub-urban market and to do so without the need to own an automobile and for West Roxbury native empty nesters looking to down-size but remain in the neighborhood. The site has an advantageous location along a major arterial with direct access to the local shopping district and current retail uses along Centre Street. The multi-family building also supports the general objectives established by the Smart Growth Policies advocated by the City and the Commonwealth. The style and density reinforces the viability of the Centre Street “Main Street” corridor allowing the development’s residents direct pedestrian access to the adjacent community oriented retail.

The Project will be built to a height and mass that is in keeping with the existing building occupying the site and the adjacent institutional and commercial properties found along Centre Street. The result will be a residential development that will contribute to the life and vitality of the Centre Street/Main Street Shopping District and the West Roxbury Neighborhood.

Argiros says he will work with the city on re-timing the lights at Lagrange and Centre to improve the traffic flow there - even though his traffic engineer says the project will mean minimal impact on traffic.

In addition to BRA approval, Argiros will also need permission from the Zoning Board of Appeals.

425 Lagrange small-project review application (4.4M PDF).



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All the anon anti-development insular West Roxbury rants from the last discussion? I can't imagine this won't just be more of the same.

Inappropriate for the neighborhood
Not enough parking
Too much traffic
Not enough community feedback
Too many low income units

Good spot to add more housing to wr but like the Roberts at apt in Rosi, seems like it would be loud when the train rolls through...

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What the neighborhood really needs on such a prominent corner is a bank, a drug store, or maybe a funeral home.

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A pizza place.

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The anti-development insular West Roxbury rants here on UHub and elsewhere turned a 62 apartments and 52 parking spaces proposal into 48-units and 81 parking spaces. But only six of the apartments will be marketed as affordable. It should be seven if we want 15% affordable, a standard set long before record income inequality. In other words, I think it's time to rethink 15%. Three buses stop across Center Street and one train across LaGrange, the Needham Line. I haven't looked at the parking plan. ZipCar might be a good solution for people interested in living in West Roxbury who don't own cars but do go places public transit can't take them. The intersection moves traffic well except sometimes on LaGrange during the evening commute.

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how about 240 Elm Street in Davis Square, the former Social Security building? He neglected it sufficiently that parts of the exterior walls began falling into Chester and Elm streets. It got so bad that the city had to close both of those streets (and a block of adjoining businsses) for several days. They're now trying to collect fines from him for leaving scaffolding up for too long without doing any actual repairs.

As a result of all this, Roche Bros. cancelled their plans to open a store in the building.

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Cities need to be more up on condemning buildings and seizing them on scum bag landowners who just sit and let them rot/blight.

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on Medford Street in front of the Regent theater and Woo Ri Korean restaurant with absolutely no work taking place. Tenants keep asking when the work will be finished and keep getting told two weeks. I tell them to tell the landlord that's when he will get his next rent check.

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.....might be more appropriate in Wayland center, this is a good TOD solution for this site. though the rendering seems to undervalue the slope of LaGrange going down under the MBTA bridge. and the fat gable end at the corner is what people will see most from the corner...this needs work.

really glad they kept eastern bank; helpful context! ;-) it's modern beginnings could have been a good clue for a better building but probably gotta go surburban in WestRox

unfortunate if that corner stays a parking lot.
Blanchards has gotta be happy.

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It is so blah and uninspired. Yes, too many suburbs have bland, "nice," "offensive to none, boring to all," developer driven architecture, but why does West Roxbury gotta go suburban? At least we can hope it won't include hideous statuary like they have over at Belgrade Place.

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...on those statues is that the 'artist' was a relation of some sort to the developer and that was a hand-out. Here's $10k to make some statues for my building.

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Maybe hideous was a little strong. And I don't think the building is that bad. But it's not stately, or new or innovative.

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West Roxbury already is a suburb

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It's an 8 mile walk from West Roxbury to Chinatown.

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I think Because Chinatown is so far away, we should not be so concerned about this project. Developers know what's best for them. We should stay out of their way and stop trying to have influence on what kind of community we live in.

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But that's not a bad thing, it's just a thing. And it doesn't mean it has to be mediocre or cave into developer driven automobile-centric thinking. Suburbs can and need to be forward thinking hubs of intelligent planning and should should spawn development people can be proud of.

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A very reasonable design for this spot. I hope they don't encounter issues with the train tracks or cemetery, but I'm sure they have engineers on top of that. Build it!

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