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Trumpland, MA: Swastika, 'Trump' found on Brookline school blackboard

Wicked Local Brookline reports on the incident at the Lincoln School and the reaction of school officials.



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This week at Harvard Institute of Politics, Trump's spokeswoman asked Clinton's spokeswoman if she was going to look her in the eyes and claim Trump elevated racists in his campaign for president. Her answer was yes.

Donald Trump is a witch!!1!one

Now all you have to do is cite my post whenever you want to accuse our new president of witchcraft.

You're welcome.

Hope you got better.

It must be embarrassing and uncomfortable having to share your Trumpfatuation with such deplorable alt-right scum. But you do. Sorry.

Trump started his campaign accusing Mexicans of every horrible crime. He treat a billion Muslims as a problem he can't figure out. He demagogues African-Americans including re-affirming that the Central Park 5 are guilty of rape and murder after the DA vacated their conviction after the guy who did it confessed. He is a man who treats women with the utmost disrespect rhetorically.

Trump's spokeswoman asked Clinton's spokeswoman if she was going to look her in the eyes and claim Trump elevated racists in his campaign for president. Her answer was yes.

Trump did more than elevate racists by playing footsy with David Duke, he ran on overt racism so obvious that traditional Republicans refused to endorse him, revoked their endorsement and later re-endorsed him. Great f*cking racist party you got there. I don't blame Trump alone though. Party of Lincoln is full of deplorable racists including their current standard bearer since about 1968.

One penny says it's the handiwork of a shell-shocked leftie.

The other penny says it's a troll.

All you self-described scientifically-literate types should know what this is:


I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine where on this curve the school operates. Hint: the shape of the curve doesn't really matter.

Give it a f@$#ing rest, Roman.

It's a K thru 8 school, not Wellesley College.

A few years ago, I came across a box of my old 3 1/2" floppy disks from elementary school. I went and dug out a working disk drive and took a look at the homeworks and essays ten-year-old me wrote in the mid 90's.

The best gem I found was dated Feb 1997 and concluded with

The future can be very scary. We have harmed the planet so much, we may not live for much longer.

As you can see, that was totally me and definitely not a case of regurgitating what the public education system tried to put in there.

blame lefties ...because they believe in freedom of religion and assault and battery on a college age woman wearing a hijab on the subway.

Drunk men screaming Trump’s name try to rip off Muslim student’s hijab on East Side subway

This is what 8 years of right-wing demagoguing Muslims and Obama as an illegitimate president and secret Muslim gets you. When people get assaulted and battered, injured or killed don't forget who stoked the fear and hatred.

This is probably a good place to note Trump's approval and praise for autocrats like Putin and other strong men. Autocrats give the public scapegoats. Think Jews, etc. in Germany.

In Sept 2015, David over at bluemassgroup wrote a essay on Trump's politics. You should read it. A peculiarly American fascism

of confirmed "hate crimes" to...well if this one pans out, it'll be a big fat one.

Political violence? Really? You mean the kind being perpetrated by BLM or the kind stirred up by actors hired by Dem. PR firms to make trouble at Trump's rallies?

It takes a real sort of special to be able to say with a straight face that after eight years in power, of which two were White house+ both houses of Congress, and several more when they held the Senate, that the Dems are the victims.

Trump is a nazi, and not an endorsement of either. At some point people need to figure this stuff out on their own.

The swastika on its own woud be disturbing at the least, anti-semitic at worst.

The swastika next to the word Trump would seem to be an implication that Donald Trump (whose son-in-law and grandchildren are Jewish) is a Nazi, which is also something the Brookline Public Schools should deal with if students are thinking this.

Then it's a duck. Trump is a nazi.

Would any Nazi be down with their daughter marrying a Jew? Since Jarred Kushner seems close to the President Elect, I think this claim of him espousing the views of the National Socialist German Workers Party is a bit off.

On the other hand, his views on Muslims would meet receptive ears in many parts of Israel, but sure, he's a Nazi. Everyone is a Nazi.

They aren't sharp enough to understand they are nazis. They think they are patriots. Your reasoning of "I can't be a brown shirt because my shirt is blue" doesn't pass a sniff test.

if you don't even have to believe in any nazi ideology to be a nazi...

Let me give you the new ideological definitions-

If you are on the left of the American political spectrum, you are a Nazi.

If you are on the right of the American political spectrum, you are a communist.

We'll just ignore the fact that in a global perspective, 95% of American political views are centrist-liberal (in the classical sense)

Get it?

and Bizarro Superman is now the real Batman.

And by that, of course, I mean the definition that means figuratively, or the exact opposite of literal.

In an effort to rise to power on the votes of the mob. "How can he be a nazi? He doesn't blame out problems on the Jews but th Mexicans," Later in the semester we will look at the reasons why Mexicans were not the go to boogeyman in Central Europe in the early 20th century.

It would be the platform put forth by the National Socalist German Workers Party and its leader, Adolph Hilter.

You are making the very, very lazy error of conflating Nazism with fascism, which was a broader ideology put forth originally by Benito Mussolini and adapted by the likes of Francisco Franco and yes Adolph Hitler. The Baathist movement in the Middle East also had its roots in the ideology.

Call Trump a fascist and a debate can be had, but he is no Nazi. FDR scapegoated Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor, but he definitely wasn't a Nazi.

Maybe you should focus less on the fact that Trump has a Jewish son in law and more on the fact he had to beg trump not to make Brannon his top adviser. Trump isn't off the hook due to different uniforms and color schemes. You might as well claim that her isn't a nazi because he doesn't have a weird little mustache.

on what the small fringe of actual neo-Nazis have to say this week.

Just like I don't like to condition my other liberties on the misbehaviors of a small criminal fringe.

Do you actually have a source on this alleged Kushner/Bannon friction or do you just assume it to be true because you read about it on some left-wing opinion blog that cites yet another opinion blog for its sources?

Reported that both the son in law and Paul Ryan had to go to great lengths to stop trump from naming bannon his top advisor. Common knowledge among those who don't get their news from FB memes.

I ask for a source, you come back with 'It is known(TM)'

Oh, also, since I read the Washington Post, The Atlantic, NYT, and whatever pops up on Google News and Real Clear Politics every day and listen to NPR on the way to work and back every morning (as well as reading Fox News, PJM, NR, and ...gasp... Breitbart), I am sufficiently plugged into the MSM to be able to call complete and total BS on your little fake news stunt here...unless you give me a link to something that isn't a Dem talking point.

Just because Neonazis like the guy doesn't make him a Nazi. Nazi skinheads loved the punk group Joy Division. At the end of the day, what other choice does a Neonazi have in a Presidential candidate? Clinton? Stein? Johnson? Sanders?

Again, while hating Jews is not a keystone to fascist thought, it's pretty up there in Nazi thought. Have you ever read Mein Kampf? I did, on a long, long flight. When I was getting off at my destination, the guy sitting next to me asked about it. My response- "Hitler really, really hated Jews? To the extent that his logical arguments about the state of Germany fell apart."

Lot's of political movements have scapegoated immigrants, but the Know Nothings were not Nazis, nor was FDR, nor was Truman, though the Immigration Restriction League was probably had a lot of members who disliked Jews, they were not Nazis either, since they never advocated for the annihilation of the Jewish race.

I hope there is a very thorough investigation of this as it is a pretty serious matter. Hopefully the Globe and Herald give it as much (or really more) attention as they did the Latin stuff.

I'm sure you can find the story without too much trouble. In the meantime, if you read past the first paragraph in the Wicked Local story, you'll notice quotes from the school superintendent about what he's doing about the incident (the school superintendent who, until earlier this year, was principal at the school in question).

The Globe and Herald both wrote multiple stories and reported on it for months - one article in the Globe isn't exactly comparable. The then head master at BLS, Mooney Teta, also had a plan and wasn't exactly given time to execute it, now was she? This is the second incident in Brookline this year - it merits as much if not more coverage going forward. BTW, that last paragraph is pretty vague - OK, they are going to partner with the ADL, which was the same plan as before after the other incident. Right.

First of all, the thing only happened Nov. 30. I'm not sure just how many stories the Globe could have written about this single incident in that time.

Second, please, just please. BLS was about more than a single incident - it was about things that had been going on for awhile, things that directly affected a number of students. Are there any indications any students even saw the stuff on the blackboard?

I think it's a bit disingenuous to say that the BLS brouhaha was "about things that had been going on for awhile" as though there was some sort of long-standing program of abuse taking place.

There was really just one event that forced Mooney-Teta to move on - an undeniably serious double-standard screw-up where she disregarded existing policy. The majority of other allegations turned out to be unconfirmable or insignificant. The few truly inappropriate events that occurred at the school were much less serious than the one big one I mentioned above - or in the case of the twitter abuse that got so much attention in the press, was in fact committed by people not only outside BLS, but outside the Commonwealth itself.

communist bolsheviks
By kelly on Sat, 12/03/2016 - 5:27pm

I saw one kid in caambridge wearing a hammer and sickle from the bolshevik jews in russia. the bolshevik jews slaughtered 100 million white Christians, its getting really scary out here for white Christians now .

Was it an example of actual, as opposed to trumped-up (hehe) anti-Semetic ranting?

You sure seem to be hititng the old links pretty hard here.

Yeah, I deleted that post, then I deleted that account. Sorry, when somebody starts ranting about Jewish Bolsheviks killing 100 million white Christians, yes, I reach for the delete stick.

Adam. It means you can still tell the difference. There is hope for you.

Remember when kids wrote dumb things on blackboards, and if someone didn't like it, they erased it, instead of reporting it to the Attorney General?

but someone must have wiped it. So now I don't remember. History began this morning.

Shortly after the Trump landslide, there was a claim of Trump related hate in Natick. Any more on that? I went to college with a friend on NPD who believed it was fake. May we hear from the "journalists?

The solution to the problem happens to be one town over.