Walsh reviving Little City Halls, but with a new name
Mayor Walsh's office said today it's setting up permanent City Hall outlets in Boston neighborhoods, starting tomorrow at the Tobin Community Center on Mission Hill.
The new NeighborHubs, to be based in BCYF community centers, will offer services similar to the city's existing City Hall to Go Truck, only without the wheels. The idea is similar to the Little City Halls that then Mayor Kevin White set up, only to shut due to budget restraints caused by the enactment of Prop. 2 1/2.
A spokesperson adds:
The NeighborHUBs will be staffed by representatives from City Hall to Go, as well as liaisons from the Office of Neighborhood Services. To start, the NeighborHUBs will be open Mondays from 2-8 p.m., Thursdays from 7 a.m. - 1 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The ceremonial kickoff is at noon at the Tobin Center, 1481 Tremont St.
perfect timing.....
....I was just looking to see the schedule and what services City Hall to Go provided.
For those that are interested in potential services at new City Hall Outlet:
Menu of Services at City Hall to Go
I dunno
Never heard good things about the White 'little city hall's. They turned into little fiefdoms of corruption and power grabs... Hopefully these will be simpler and less prone to misuse....
With this administration? Good luck with that.
Who will run them? Little mayors?
I remember the "Little City Halls" under Kevin White. If memory serves me correctly, quite a few of his "Little Mayors" who ran these store front cash drops were indicted by the Feds. I wonder how this will go.
No clue
I sent e-mail to the mayor's PR people to ask if these spots would be staffed fulltime or if they'd be more self-service kiosks, but they sometimes don't write back, and this is one of those times.
I've updated the post with info from the mayor's office on the hours for the facilities.
I voted for him but
This Mayor is one of the BIGGEST Idiots!
Mayor White did this
And rented little storefronts from his friends, hired little mayors to run them, and had a bunch of little assistant mayors to help the little mayors. And nothing got accomplished but putting cronies on the payroll.
Please someone run against
Please someone run against Marty Walsh next year! He is terrible and is only helping out his friends and not the citizens.
If they stopped acting like
If they stopped acting like this is 2002 and actually made it so you can access all the various applications/documents/licenses from the website, this wouldn't be necessary. They FINALLY, in the last year, made it so you can apply for a parking/moving permit.... but only if it's a moving truck parking/moving permit. If you want a parking/moving permit for a POD type moving apparatus, you still have to go downtown. In the middle of the day, which means taking time off work, plus either exorbitant parking or taking twice as much time off so you can take the T in. It's ridiculous because there's no reason everything that doesn't require a live person to verify your id shouldn't be online.
That said, if they aren't going to put it online, having what's essentially a kiosk somewhere besides flipping downtown helps a lot.
What purpose would these serve?
I remember the little city halls from the 70s. I registered to vote at one of them. But I'm not sure what purpose they would serve in this day and age when most things they were once for can easily be done online or by other means.
What purpose they would serve?
Easy answer -- patronage jobs
They're going to be staffed
They're going to be staffed with existing employees. A lot of people do not use the internet, particularly seniors, and it's easier to go one of these than downtown. Not everything is corrupt. Lord....
Or, you know, expanding
Or, you know, expanding service.
I'm getting married and right now to get a license from Boston City Hall (you have to go in person, because they have to check your ID) it's 9am - 4pm. Monday thru Friday. That's just not great for most working adults.
Being able to do it on a Saturday would be way more convenient. This is a good thing.