Lucky duck gets unstuck thanks to couple with some pluck
By adamg on Sat, 04/01/2017 - 3:53pm
Chimneys aren't all they're quacked up to be, a duck in Ashland discovered today. Fortunately, he or she flew down the chimney in the Perrys' house, they weren't having a fire and so they spent a good part of the afternoon getting the duck out and then letting it fly away.
Put the ash collection bucket in the fireplace & was able to pry the flue door enough to drop it into bucket. Had no idea how alive it was
Spent my afternoon rescuing a duck from our chimney @universalhub
— David Perry (@FramWorMBTA) April 1, 2017
Guess it's time to get a chimney screen / cap...
Wood Duck
That's a female Wood Duck. Wood Ducks nest in tree cavities (or man-made facsimiles). She was probably investigating the chimney hole as a potential nest site and it was much deeper than she bargained for. Good work getting her out - I hope she's learned enough not to try it again.
Peeking Duck
Peeking at you from the chimney.
your puns
adam, please, these puns are getting to be too much.
people are worried about you hurting yourself with them.
we are here to help you through this but you're going to need to take it easy for a while.
But I think you want the people sick to death of my rhymes. They're down the hall. Well, at least for my headlines.
Oh, Pearls I Must Clutch! — Adam's Puns Are Too Much!
how much wood
could a wood duck duck if a wood duck could duck wood?