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Trumpland, MA: Bristol County sheriff wants mayors of Boston, Somerville tossed in prison

Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, who is totally not a fascist, nope, wants elected leaders of cities that have declared themselves sanctuary cities arrested, WHDH reports. When last we heard from Hodgson, he was offering to ship some of his inmates down to Texas to build Trump's wall.

UPDATE: Curtatone responds: Come at me, you jack-booted thug.



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followed makes you a Fascist? Get a grip!

What's fascist is wanting to throw elected officials in prison for a) Practicing their First Amendment rights and b) Refusing to cooperate with a federal (federal, not state or local - read up on your Constitution) law, all presumably without any sort of due process, which we still kinda, sorta have in this country regardless of the alleged merits of his argument.

Come on.....What about this below? What do you call it Adam?
Why even call it Trumpland when he's just angry that the laws aren't being followed?

Doubt you'll even let this comment be approved anyways. Was worth a shot.

Massachusetts state Rep. Michelle DuBois posted a warning to illegal immigrants on her Facebook page Tuesday about upcoming Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids that are rumored to be taking place in the area.

In the post, DuBois wrote, “ICE raid in Brockton (MA) on 3/28.”


“I got the following information from my friend in the Latin community: ‘I have a message for the immigrant community of Brockton. Please be careful on Wednesday 29. ICE will be in Brockton on that day.'”

“If you are undocumented don’t go out on the street,” DuBois, who represents the 10th district, added. “If there is a knock on the door of your house and you don’t know who it is, don’t open the door. I ask you to be careful.”

You haven't refuted anything Adam said. Try again, and this time skip upvoting your own post.

Care to cite what federal law requires mayors to serve ICE and border patrol?

Feel free to find and cite one ... with the caselaw showing that it matters, of course.

Waiting ...

The job of the Somerville police is to keep the community safe, and sometimes that means not deporting someone over a broken tail light because it'll do far worse damage to the community (and the credibility of police), if they start arresting brown people left and right.

Typical conservative attitude - claiming to be for local control until some progressive community does something they don't like.

Judge Judy might not be the best pick to express your feelings on this one. She's a huge Trump fan and would likely be making this expression at your side. I know this for a fact from mutual friends. Just saying!

The area between Thomas Hodgson and a reporter's recording device.

The guy is an attention whore who fancies himself the king of the Sweatpants Republic known as the Southcoast of Massachusetts.

Bristol County, if you take out the seasonal employment factors that hit Nantucket, the Vineyard, and Barnstable County, has the highest unemployment rate in the state, and it is increasing.

As far as his cities go, Taunton is a pit, New Bedford is doing ok (in traditional New Bedford terms) but things get a little shooty south of downtown every once in a while, and Fall River is just plain old done.

Nice job ding dong, I don't expect the mayors that you called out today to do anything politically to you (except try to shaft the commuter rail money that somehow continues to float southward instead of going to the GLX, where it should go).

Apparently the Sheriff of Bristol County has too much time on his hands.

I think it's ticking away at his sanity.

The sheriff is in Washington testifying as part of a panel before the house judiciary subcommittee on immigration and border security. Hodgson called illegal immigration the biggest threat to national security and said severe damage has been done to the nation because of what he calls “lackadaisical enforcement.”

Lackadaisical enforcement, you say? (Bet you ten bucks he couldn't spell that if you spotted him all the consonants, by the way) Sounds like we ought to be breathing down the neck of the county sheriff... guy sounds like a real piece of shit.

By the by, what is a county sheriff from Massachusetts doing testifying about this in Washington? Is Suffolk County suffering especially badly under the unrelenting onslaught of immigrants? Or did Cheeto Benito think he'd found himself a good mouthpiece, by tapping the dumbest yokel in the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts?

The fact you are a sheriff is not germane to the situation.

The god*a^^ Germans got nothing to do with this.

from Smokey and the Bandit

By the by, what is a county sheriff from Massachusetts doing testifying about this in Washington? Is Suffolk County suffering especially badly under the unrelenting onslaught of immigrants? Or did Cheeto Benito think he'd found himself a good mouthpiece, by tapping the dumbest yokel in the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts?

It's Bristol County, and he's clearly on what I call a Palin junket: rube with delusions of grandeur gets invited to DC to be wined and dined and buttered up while acting as the heat-attracting mouthpiece of some pointless lost cause. Of course he doesn't see it that way; I imagine he sees himself as the Sheriff Joe Arpaio of the north, without thinking too hard about how that one turned out. Unfortunately, since the abolition of the county government system, county sheriffs in Massachusetts have fuck-all for oversight, and virtually no checks until it comes to election time - and as this dunce just got elected to another four year term, he's gonna sit there making an ass of himself and his county until the next election at the least (or until passage of the Massachusetts Safe Communities Act, possibly).

Now we know O-fish's real name and occupation.

I think you posted this on the wrong thread.

...OMG, what the hell is going on down there? Who/where is the base that elected this guy? Fall River is progressive enough to elect a teenybopper mayor. My hometown of Somerset was always a bastion of liberalism. The smaller, more rural towns (Dighton, Rehoboth, etc.) maybe, but population-wise they shouldn't give him sufficient numbers. I can only think it's New Bedford, but can the populace there really be that backward?

Whoever did vote for this Arpaio wannabe, I hope they are ashamed of themselves.

Got on the Governor's Council: Who pays attention to the sheriff's race anymore? I mean, I did go to a couple of candidate forums for the Suffolk County race last year, and they were interesting, and they gave me a reason to vote for the incumbent, but we're not like the rest of the country where sheriffs play a major role across a wide segment of their counties - they're not exactly the sort of policy makers for whom we can really make a good, informed decision when we vote in November.

As we no longer have county government in Massachusetts, then why do we still need county law enforcement?

The sheriffs oversee the county jails, which (apart from MCIs) are where people are held while awaiting trial (assuming they can't get bailed out) or when sentenced to a term of a year or less. They also serve as a temporary lockup for smaller towns that have no such facilities, for prisoners awaiting a bail hearing and the like.

We have state prisons and we don't get to vote for the people who run those.

History, Adam. The question was, why do we STILL have them. The answer is, even with the county government gone, they still serve this function for which there is currently no replacement. Does that make more sense?

State Police. Who could easily take over running the "county" prisons. Makes more sense than leaving the work to the likes of Buford T. Justice and Roscoe P. Coltrane.

I don't know if the state police are the right agency (MCI might be better? I don't know), but the current system has insufficient oversight, as I think this blowhard is demonstrating.

poor Doug Bennett is still out there spraypainting campaign signs.

When Norton and Attleboro got infested with skinheads a decade or so back?

White folks aren't terrorists. They're either patriots or suffering from a tragic mental illness.

I knew this guy growing up. No one ever considered him as a public official. He was just a dick.

He runs unopposed, because generally people turn a blind eye to the criminal justice system. It's not a race with anything that directly affects the majority of people so they don't look into it. That's just my two cents.

The people of New Bedford are frequently backwards (much less so with the younger generation), but they are infinitely more politically apathetic.

Probably not.

of this story is the comments on the WHDH article.

I see Sheriff Hodgson's Twitter account is protected. Maybe you have to request to follow him in German.

That dude is a clown with his cliché moustache. I'm sure he's super open minded and definitely not a racist, prejudiced POS. Just go away dude. Start that wall on your own loser.

One suspects he toned it down a bit.

I agree with Curtatone but either way this is grandstanding by both of them.

This is from an article in the NYT from November 2016

Under the Constitution, state and local governments have every right to refuse to help enforce federal law. In cases like Printz v. United States (1997) and New York v. United States (1992), the Supreme Court has ruled that the Tenth Amendment forbids federal “commandeering” of state governments to help enforce federal law. Most of the support for this anti-commandeering principle came from conservative justices such as the late Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in Printz.

State Rep Michelle DuBois posted a warning to illegal immigrants on her Facebook page Tuesday about upcoming Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids that are rumored to be taking place in the area.
She is crossing the line in my opinion.


within affected communities, often those rumors will travel a whole lot faster than their elected representative's friendface page could reflect.

she's simply offering sound advice in the event one is faced with ICE agents.

actually the advice goes for anyone not committing a crime confronted by law enforcement. you have rights.

She is advising people who more than likely have criminal records on how to avoid getting arrested.
What if a politician who believes all drugs should be legal starts posting when the next drug bust is going to happen? not smart .

Explain, with legitimate data.

And are you trying to argue that if police or other enforcement agents show up at your door sans warrant you should just let them in?

How do you feel about warrants and the 4th amendment in general?

These are serious questions. Like i say, the advice she offers isn't new or unique somehow, she's not offering specific classified details on a police action, but advice on how to protect your constitutional rights.

ICE spokesman Shawn Neudauer provided the following statement.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officers conduct enforcement actions every day around the country as part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to uphold public safety and border security.

Our operations are targeted and lead driven, prioritizing individuals who pose a risk to our communities. Examples would include known street gang members, child sex offenders, and deport-able foreign nationals with significant drug trafficking convictions. If ICE officers encounter others during the course of their lawful duties, who also have immigration issues and regardless of their criminal history, those additional encounters can lead to an arrest at the time of the encounter.

For operational security reasons, ICE does not release information regarding future operations. ICE does not conduct random sweeps, checkpoints or raids that target aliens indiscriminately. All ICE operations are targeted based on investigative leads.

Any person who actively incites panic or fear of law enforcement is doing a disservice to the community, endangering public safety and the very people they claim to support and represent.

So the priority is illegal immigrants with criminal records
and if they come across those with no criminal record (except being in the country illegally) they can also be arrested. Or do you think they should just release them and ignore their duty as immigration officials?

but their operations are often alot less targeted than that statement suggests.

you know what one of their little tactics is? they will attempt to gain access to secured buildings by displaying a blurry or poorly photocopied photo of a supposed "suspect" which is just vague enough and, when combined with their threatening demeanor with people who otherwise don't realize that they can say "no", can be enough to literally get their foot in the door. and no one in that building is on any list, nor has committed any crime but by that point (and it can be children who let them in, they don't care) they might have made statements that don't help them, again without realizing they don't have to.

I say this with knowledge of cases like this in Boston, specifically.

ICE spokesman Shawn Neudauer provided the following statement.

Oh, ICE provided a statement, so it's all good, because they'd never ever ever lie about what they're doing.

So the priority is illegal immigrants with criminal records

Like this and this and this?

Should I provide links to arrests of illegal immigrants who were arrested and were also dangerous criminals?
Do you think ICE should stop doing it's job? Are you for zero enforcement of immigration laws?

The problem isn't so much ICE doing its OWN job as their demands that our local governments suck their asses and get their gestapo going for the sake of terrorizing residents.

Never mind that study after study after fact after reality says that sanctuary cities ARE SAFER than non-sanctuary cities because people don't tolerate assholes when they don't have to.

If you can't figure that out, maybe you need to grow up, read the thread, and learn what the law AND case law really say about this.

I need to grow up?
Sometimes posts go off topic a bit and if you read our exchanges it isn't exactly about sanctuary cities.
You are free to add your 2 cents to the thread as well, even with your famous snark and nastiness.

You need to grow up,

Run along darling - seems that you aren't interest in the kinds of legal and factual information available to you. Might as well head for the playground.

Start here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/01/27/trump-says-sanctu...

Then look up that Supreme Court opinion from the 1990s regarding the 10th Amendment - you know, the one authored by Scalia? If you don't know, you should look it up. A whole lot of people a lot older than you or I have talked about these things before and worked them out. Don't be a little Trumpling and decide you can just make shit up from here on out and call it reality.

Can I bring my crayons and coloring book?

Sounds like fun!

She is advising people who more than likely have criminal records on how to avoid getting arrested.

Care to substantiate that "more than likely have criminal records"? Are you perhaps referencing DumpsterFire's "they're not sending their best" speech? I have news for you, just because you (or he) speak the words doesn't make them true. Do better.

What if a politician who believes all drugs should be legal starts posting when the next drug bust is going to happen? not smart .

What if your mother had wheels instead of legs? She'd be a bicycle. We're talking about civil immigration violations. You might want to google that and learn some facts before you sound off on the subject again; you're talking pure nonsense.

SFD, I don't think you understand the term "criminal".

Overstaying a VISA, entering the country illegally, or letting a green card lapse are all civil offenses. These people are not "criminals".

I'm willing to bet you've committed several civil offenses fro the littany of blue laws still on the books in our state. Can I start calling you a criminal and should I start to push for you to be jailed and the key thrown away?

Can I request a single cell?

Matt is a Chelsea city councilor.

Although let's be honest, they probably would come for the artists and photographers at the same time they came for the liberal politicians... I'm sure influential local bloggers would be in the same purge too.

It may very well be the one that is currently starving inside the Sheriff's vacant cranium: The brain-eating amoeba!

Use it wisely!

Just as requested, much appreciated!

I think the Rep. Dubois business needs a separate post.

First off, I love Uhub. It is my go to local news source. And because I visit so much, I can't help but notice that Trumplamd posts get exponentially more engagement than other posts. People are fired up that their quality of life, and freedoms are at risk. And jump at every chance to show outrage, and "stand" for something. Now I am no trump stumper by any means, but I find it sad that we (locals) show almost no concern for actual Boston crime, which IS HAPPENING in our neighborhoods, and at the same time jump all over every single trump-related post.

Case in point:

on the first page of the site right now, there are two trump-related posts. Total comment? 104 = people are pissed off and ready to sound off!! Our safety and liberties are at stake.

There are also two gun/shooting-related posts (1 involving a 15 year old). Total comment? 0 = these same social just warriors must not "really" be too concerned with ACTUAL DANGER AND CRIME that is a reality in our city.

When is that march on the Boston common for all of the victims of Boston gang and gun violence again?