Adam Sell reports spotting an "It's OK to be white" sticker on a utility pole at Boylston and Beecher yesterday afternoon. He adds he did his civic duty and removed it.
Please read a history book if you need a lesson for why black people in America feel the need to fight for respect and equality and remind others that their lives matter too.
Anyone who is going around putting up "Its OK to be white" stickers is just a spoiled baby looking for attention. Being white is going through life on the "easy" setting. We have nothing to complain about so just stop.
You have no idea where I come from, what my life has been like, and what I've had to go through to get myself out of a shitty neighborhood, where I would have had probably zero chance at life if I'd stayed. I worked my ass off. And none of it was on the "easy setting". so take a hike with your racist bullshit.
You have no idea where I come from, what my life has been like, and what I've had to go through to get myself out of a shitty neighborhood, where I would have had probably zero chance at life if I'd stayed. I worked my ass off. And none of it was on the "easy setting". so take a hike with your racist bullshit.
It's a problem because, in many ways, its not okay to be black/brown. What sort of disadvantage do people face for being white?
This is obviously a response to "Black Lives Matter" by someone who did not understand that "BLM" implicitly means "Black Lives Matter too". If someone have a problem with that, and reasserts that its "OK to be white", that sounds pretty white nationalist to me.
The whole city is on fire but I want every single fire truck putting out my house (that I set on fire while playing with matches) - that's BLM form you.
The whole city is on fire but I want every single fire truck putting out my house (that I set on fire while playing with matches) - that's BLM form you.
Care to substantiate that? Please provide citations that demonstrate that BLM wants the equivalent of "every single fire truck putting out my house", or that BLM and/or black/brown people "set [the house] on fire while playing with matches".
What you said sure sounds like ignorant racist bullshit to me. Now's your opportunity to respond.
So the sticker is trying to respond to an argument that no one is making and in doing so, appeal to those who feel that white people are superior and are currently being diminished in some way by society. Aka, racists.
There are those that say "white people" are the cause of quite a bit of harm to those who aren't white, and they should apologize for their "privileged". I don't think saying "it's ok to be white" makes one a "white nationalist".
There are those that say "white people" are the cause of quite a bit of harm to those who aren't white, and they should apologize for their "privileged".
Who is saying this? I've never heard anyone apologize for being white.
Reasonable people do feel remorse for what this country (among others) did to the the natives of North America and Africa. We acknowledge that descendants of these groups are still facing hardships today from the social stigma introduced hundreds of years ago.
-- Why would you be proud of something that you had absolutely no control over or input to? --
Because now I *do* have control and input.
One could cuck-out with guilt or shame of being a certain color or one could have pride and tell the world that it is not only OK to be their color, but i can be more than okay. It can be awesome to be ones color.
We live in a time where pride parades are held on the basis of where some groups put their genitals. I would not go as far to have a parade over my skin color but a cable station dedicated to the skin color of my people would be nice. I think there was one at one time.
Homophobia, white supremacy, unironic use of the word "cuck," AND a complete misunderstanding of identity politics, all in six short sentences. Now that you've shored up your position as "crazy racist grandpa who we still have to invite to Thanksgiving," what's your encore?
Encores are traditionally to give the fans what they want.
Along with fans, I also attract a sizeable list of leghumpers; posters who dedicate entire posts to me while ignoring that there was ever an original topic to comment upon. Leghumpers do not get encores.
Anyhoo... White people are a group. They exist and they are expected to behave as a group as long as they are seen as a group. My African-American heritage is not something I mention often on these boards, due to the flak I often receive, but having roots in a country that recognizes 11 official languages, you can imagine I know a little something about heritage and pride. We do not get hung up on the different languages but we do have pride and self-worth in regards to them.
Suldog, you're supposed to be ashamed to be white. Remember that. Priceless post in the linked thread to beware of "razor blades" hidden underneath such stickers to hurt any progressive who peels them off. I thought the full moon was a week ago. Delusional.
No, very happy to be me. Thanks. As for "you're the only one making this argument," I disagree strongly. To remove a sticker saying it's OK to be white is an overt act declaring that it's not OK to be white, unless the person removing the sticker is removing all other stickers for various causes and candidates. I doubt it.
To suggest that "It's OK to be white" is a statement of white supremacy is ridiculous. I interpret it as it's acceptable to be white, not it's supreme to be white. As for celebrating things we have no control of, will you advocate for a ban on the Gay Pride March or Fourth of July Fireworks?
Lastly fungwah, are you Asian and/or associated with the failed bus company or just having fun mocking them? Pot? Kettle?
The fool who committed this act can be charged under the tagger law for putting up the sticker in a public place. The great part about this law is not the jail time which we all know he will never receive but upon conviction his license shall be suspended for one year.
License suspension for non-driving-related offenses doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me. It's a punishment unrelated, that has dramatically different impacts on various people, depending on where they live, where they work, where their nearest grocery/whatever store is, etc.
Adam, is it not ok to be white? Do you know who actually pick this sticker there? The individual who removed it did not do their "civic duty". It's perfectly ok to be "white". Quit trying to fuel the "white nationalist" panic. They're quickly being pushed back onto the fringes, especially now that their fearless leader Trump is on the ropes (and showed pretty early on that he only pandered to them to get votes).
OK, I'll Bite
Why is a sticker saying "It's OK to be white" an evil thing?
All are equal but some are more equal than others
Black lives matter = ok
It's OK to be white = not ok
(I'm no white nationalist, just pointing out the facial contradiction in these positions)
It's almost as though
there are hundreds of years of baggage associated with white nationalism, which make "black pride" and "white pride" into two very different concepts.
Anyway, you guys can go back to burning those strawmen now. Firebomb those things like Dresden, y'all.
You assuming ALL White
People immigrated here during those times and are all from the same European country is a strawman argument.
Not enough strawmen for that bonfire?
He made no such assumption. Add another strawman to the bonfire.
Are you unfamiliar with the concept of false equivalence, or are you merely being disingenuous?
Please read a history book if
Please read a history book if you need a lesson for why black people in America feel the need to fight for respect and equality and remind others that their lives matter too.
Anyone who is going around putting up "Its OK to be white" stickers is just a spoiled baby looking for attention. Being white is going through life on the "easy" setting. We have nothing to complain about so just stop.
Oh really?
You have no idea where I come from, what my life has been like, and what I've had to go through to get myself out of a shitty neighborhood, where I would have had probably zero chance at life if I'd stayed. I worked my ass off. And none of it was on the "easy setting". so take a hike with your racist bullshit.
Oh really?
You have no idea where I come from, what my life has been like, and what I've had to go through to get myself out of a shitty neighborhood, where I would have had probably zero chance at life if I'd stayed. I worked my ass off. And none of it was on the "easy setting". so take a hike with your racist bullshit.
It's a problem because, in
It's a problem because, in many ways, its not okay to be black/brown. What sort of disadvantage do people face for being white?
This is obviously a response to "Black Lives Matter" by someone who did not understand that "BLM" implicitly means "Black Lives Matter too". If someone have a problem with that, and reasserts that its "OK to be white", that sounds pretty white nationalist to me.
Comic Explanation
More like
The whole city is on fire but I want every single fire truck putting out my house (that I set on fire while playing with matches) - that's BLM form you.
Put up or shut up
Care to substantiate that? Please provide citations that demonstrate that BLM wants the equivalent of "every single fire truck putting out my house", or that BLM and/or black/brown people "set [the house] on fire while playing with matches".
What you said sure sounds like ignorant racist bullshit to me. Now's your opportunity to respond.
Nobody is saying its not ok to be white
So the sticker is trying to respond to an argument that no one is making and in doing so, appeal to those who feel that white people are superior and are currently being diminished in some way by society. Aka, racists.
There are those that say "white people" are the cause of quite a bit of harm to those who aren't white, and they should apologize for their "privileged". I don't think saying "it's ok to be white" makes one a "white nationalist".
Who is saying this? I've never heard anyone apologize for being white.
Reasonable people do feel remorse for what this country (among others) did to the the natives of North America and Africa. We acknowledge that descendants of these groups are still facing hardships today from the social stigma introduced hundreds of years ago.
I DO think that it implies this person is a white nationalist.
I'm pretty sure I said it was
I'm pretty sure I said it was not okay to be white at some point, but I am happy to be whong.
Slippery slope
-- "It's OK to be white" --
That there is a "gateway" feeling.
Keep that line of thought up and pretty soon, a person could start feeling pride in their heritage.
Can't have that.
I understand there will be a torchlight gathering
tonight to prevent the removal of the sticker.
Why would you be proud of
Why would you be proud of something that you had absolutely no control over or input to?
-- Why would you be proud of something that you had absolutely no control over or input to? --
Because now I *do* have control and input.
One could cuck-out with guilt or shame of being a certain color or one could have pride and tell the world that it is not only OK to be their color, but i can be more than okay. It can be awesome to be ones color.
We live in a time where pride parades are held on the basis of where some groups put their genitals. I would not go as far to have a parade over my skin color but a cable station dedicated to the skin color of my people would be nice. I think there was one at one time.
*slow clap*
Homophobia, white supremacy, unironic use of the word "cuck," AND a complete misunderstanding of identity politics, all in six short sentences. Now that you've shored up your position as "crazy racist grandpa who we still have to invite to Thanksgiving," what's your encore?
For taste and more...
-- what's your encore? --
Encores are traditionally to give the fans what they want.
Along with fans, I also attract a sizeable list of leghumpers; posters who dedicate entire posts to me while ignoring that there was ever an original topic to comment upon. Leghumpers do not get encores.
Anyhoo... White people are a group. They exist and they are expected to behave as a group as long as they are seen as a group. My African-American heritage is not something I mention often on these boards, due to the flak I often receive, but having roots in a country that recognizes 11 official languages, you can imagine I know a little something about heritage and pride. We do not get hung up on the different languages but we do have pride and self-worth in regards to them.
So you're literally declaring
So you're literally declaring that you have white pride? And you see no issue there? Jesus fucking christ.
Shame on you Suldog!
Suldog, you're supposed to be ashamed to be white. Remember that. Priceless post in the linked thread to beware of "razor blades" hidden underneath such stickers to hurt any progressive who peels them off. I thought the full moon was a week ago. Delusional.
You're the only one making this argument
You're the only one making this argument. Are you sure you're not just ashamed to be yourself...?
Re fungwah: You're the only one making this argument
No, very happy to be me. Thanks. As for "you're the only one making this argument," I disagree strongly. To remove a sticker saying it's OK to be white is an overt act declaring that it's not OK to be white, unless the person removing the sticker is removing all other stickers for various causes and candidates. I doubt it.
To suggest that "It's OK to be white" is a statement of white supremacy is ridiculous. I interpret it as it's acceptable to be white, not it's supreme to be white. As for celebrating things we have no control of, will you advocate for a ban on the Gay Pride March or Fourth of July Fireworks?
Lastly fungwah, are you Asian and/or associated with the failed bus company or just having fun mocking them? Pot? Kettle?
This white guy would have
This white guy would have removed that sign too. It seems quite racist-y to me.
The fool who committed this act can be charged under the tagger law for putting up the sticker in a public place. The great part about this law is not the jail time which we all know he will never receive but upon conviction his license shall be suspended for one year.
That's the great part?
License suspension for non-driving-related offenses doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me. It's a punishment unrelated, that has dramatically different impacts on various people, depending on where they live, where they work, where their nearest grocery/whatever store is, etc.
It's the exact opposite of rehabilitation.
It is okay to stick it somewhere else.
It's OK to have a group identity, just as other groups do. This blog is biased against the illterate, btw.
Adam, is it not ok to be white? Do you know who actually pick this sticker there? The individual who removed it did not do their "civic duty". It's perfectly ok to be "white". Quit trying to fuel the "white nationalist" panic. They're quickly being pushed back onto the fringes, especially now that their fearless leader Trump is on the ropes (and showed pretty early on that he only pandered to them to get votes).