Five-story apartment building proposed for West Broadway in South Boston
The march of redevelopment continues down West Broadway in South Boston with a proposal to replace an existing three-story building at 400 West Broadway with a five-story, 36-unit apartment building with a garage for 34 cars.
Robert Wallace, who has owned the current building since 2006, detailed his $8-million plans in a recent filing with the BPDA.
The proposed new building would have ground-floor space for two stores. The residential units would consist of 4 studios, 20 one-bedroom units, and 12 two-bedroom units.
Building residents would drive into the garage from an entrance on Athens Street.
The building’s skin will be a composition of masonry terracotta tile, high-density fiber cement lap siding, metal panels, and glass fenestration. The materials and rhythm of the façade are similar to and consistent with other buildings along West Broadway, incorporating traditional South Boston building materials with the form and scale of many of the newer developments along West Broadway. The materials then transition to a more residential typology in the rear, consistent with the scale of Athens Street.
400 West Broadway small-project review application (4M PDF).
That side is now full
The rendering shows a building next door, next to Loco, whereas the street map shows an empty lot. That's b/c thereis a wood-frame building under construction there right now, developer is Mr. Councilor Anissa Essaibi George.
I mean... it's her husband's company, but ok.
The inclusion of a ghost bike
The inclusion of a ghost bike in the drawing is an unintentionally honest depiction of the unsafe state of our roads. And remember, elected officials like Councilor Ed Flynn talk the talk but then want to protect the "right" to double park on Broadway and other Southie streets instead of creating a bus lane to help thousands of commuting residents. Time to match words with action.
And build this.
Double parked cars on West Broadway
are mostly Uber vehicles. West Broadway is a shit show with the amount of Ubers crawling, double parking and dropping off those people who choose to rely on others for getting around.
Really, that's interesting
So I take it that, oh, 10 years ago, before Uber and Lyft, there was never any double parking on Broadway?
They were just waiting for Uber and Lyft to start
You know, just like no other city in the United States uses space savers for parking spaces, except for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Philly, and New York.
C'mon anon, that's just a
stupid comment.
Another soulless building.
Come on, architects. You can do better than this!
Soul is Expensive
Why make it look pretty when you could get more money out of making it simple?
Ugly and blah!
and for those of you who say this is great looks Ng, this is what the City is pushing, just like the day brick buildings where in vogue, let me know when you are going to put in an offer on one of these units.
Nobody is saying it's great ...
But have you looked at what it's replacing? Just in terms of looks, it's far better.
Spoiler alert
I would not rent here even if they threw in free parking.
This trope is getting so
This trope is getting so tired. What do you want? Is every building in this city supposed to be a work of grand architecture? These are homes for people. I doubt your home is architecturally significant, why demand that of others? It looks fine, no worse than most existing buildings.
What colleges are these architects graduating from that teach this form of architecture? The University of North Korea or the Bejing Architectural Center?
I think this is a nice design
I think this is a nice design. What do you mean by soul? A vinyl siding clad triple decker with satilite dishes?