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A sob-story guy finds a mark on Northeastern side of Ruggles

The Huntington News reports a well meaning Northeastern student gave $60 to a guy at Ruggles who said he needed to get back to New Hampshire. Campus police caught up with him and escorted him off campus.



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An individual reported her $100 Lululemon leggings were stolen while she was doing laundry in West Village H. A report was filed.

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Roman and FISH make this about immigration.

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Those scams usually have a very specific amount attached to the ask "...I need just $26.45 more for my bus ticket...", ...my car is out of gas, but if I can put just $14 worth of gas in, it will get me home..."

The unique amount apparently lends credence to the story.

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He might have asked for $52 and the poor sap felt bad for him and forked over three $20s.

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They always want cash for that T ticket. I once offered to go to the MBTA window to buy a guy a ticket but he said no.

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When they get on the commuter rail (after a day of doing... what?... downtown), plunk down next to someone, and ask that person next to them to pay the fare. Passenger is trapped. Conductors love that one.

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Since heroin goes for $6 a dose (as reported in the local news), beggars always use $6 as a basic unit of need. Like the kid on the T that always used to claim he needed $30 to get to rehab. Maybe it's $5 now but either way this dude was looking to load up Phillip Seymour Hoffman style.

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You mean the lead in "Titanic"?

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If the incident happened at the station shouldn't the Transit Police determine the outcome?

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Since it was NUPD, maybe it was right outside the doors to the station?

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I'm not sure there was any law violated here, except perhaps trespassing, which is a squishy concept on something as public as a university campus.

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Fraud? Just like you"ll hear the stories of the person who raised money through GoFundMe by falsely claiming to have cancer.

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It would have to be demonstrably false to be fraud. If he fed his marks a false story to get the money from them, or said he was going to buy a ticket with the money and then the police observed him pocket it and walk off, but otherwise, there's nothing provably fraudulent about it.

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The actual report:

NUPD reported a man at the entrance to Ruggles Station getting very close to passersby and attempting to speak to them. NUPD responded and reported speaking with an NU student, who said the man asked him for money for a ticket back to New Hampshire. The student further reported giving the man $60. NUPD further reported stopping the man on the Egan Research Center access road and banning him from all NU property. A report was filed.

No crime was charged. He was banned from university property however, after going from the train station onto their private access road. If he returns to their property, then it would be trespassing.

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He may be considered foolish for falling for it, but this person has a good heart.

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Same guy at North Station said he needed to get back to NH. But the eyes don't lie with pupils like pin drops and a glazed look. NH has an opioid crisis as well but you took the Haverhilll Line to Boston now you have to get back to your neglected kids and your dopesick girlfriend. All the colleges need to educate their students about throwing their money out the window and the cold dark realities of this city. Luv, a former dope addict native Bostonian who hates other addicts

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I am someone in between the age of 10 and 15 and my brother and I were at north station approached us and said he needed money to get back to nh. we gave him $20.

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Same guy at North Station said he needed to get back to NH. But the eyes don't lie with pupils like pin drops and a glazed look. NH has an opioid crisis as well but you took the Haverhilll Line to Boston now you have to get back to your neglected kids and your dopesick girlfriend. All the colleges need to educate their students about throwing their money out the window and the cold dark realities of this city. Luv, a former dope addict native Bostonian who hates other addicts

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The crime is fueling the opiod epidemic, dimwit. Which causes deaths, strain on the emergency response system, strain on the hospitals, strain on healthcare and governmental budgets, increase of robberies (both aggrevate and non), increase in home invasions, etc., increase on mail package theft, increase of people falling on to traintracks, etc. When are people like you going to start to look at the big picture. Giving money to addicts is all part of the problem.
Luv, a former dope addict native Bostonian who hates other addicts.

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NUPD reported a man at the entrance to Ruggles Station getting very close to passersby and attempting to speak to them. NUPD responded and reported speaking with an NU student, who said the man asked him for money for a ticket back to New Hampshire. The student further reported giving the man $60. NUPD further reported stopping the man on the Egan Research Center access road and banning him from all NU property. A report was filed.

He wasn't charged with a crime. And he was only removed from the area when he set foot from the train station onto the university's property, which is private.

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Can't be taught.

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The good ones make their living at it; their whole presentation and sales pitch can be pretty compelling. Decent people, on the whole, make the assumption that the other people they encounter are decent people also, and tend to be trusting.

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If a judge had told him to stay away from that area for whatever reason, then the cops can make him skeedaddle.

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It's probably the same tall skinny guy with beer breath at North Station who asks me for Amtrak ticket money because he found a girlfriend/job in Boston but can't get home to Raymond, NH for some reason. How TF are you supposed to get to Raymond on Amtrak? It's nowhere near a train station. He gets pissed off whenever I express doubts about his sob story.

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I never thought I'd live to hear of a student getting thrown out for being rich and gullible but it's about time. Northeastern has a lot of catching up still to do but getting that kind of flotsam off its rolls is a step in the right direction. I hope more colleges adopt this policy.

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They're really stepping their game up. I remember it always being $5...

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