Somebody who has Monday and Wednesday afternoons off is breaking into homes in one Cambridge neighborhood
By adamg on Fri, 05/04/2018 - 1:12pm
Cambridge Police report nine daytime residential burglaries since April 18 in the Wellington-Harrington neighborhood.
Police report all the breaks have been on either Monday or Wednesday afternoon and that the thief or thieves first checks for an unlocked door and walks in, unless the door is locked, in which case he or they pick the lock.
Targeted for removal: Jewelry, laptops, video-game consoles, purses and cash.
Houses have been hit on the 300 block of Columbia Street (twice), Kinnaird Street, the 300 block of Norfolk Street, Sixth Street, Plymouth Street, Webster Avenue, Market Street and Marcella Street.
It may not be legal but house breaking is hard work.
Not speaking from experience, of course.
is in Riverside …