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Zakim bests Galvin at Dem convention

The Herald reports on Zakim's 55-45 margin, but doesn't mention Marty Walsh's role in convincing Boston delegates to go with the city councilor rather than the incumbent from Brighton. Both Zakim and Galvin will be on the September ballot.



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Not too late for a new Candidate to challenge the current Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Boston City Councilor failed to improve Records Management practices at Boston City Council. State and Municipal Records Management practices are an important Division of the Office of Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts http://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcrmu/rmuidx.htm

● "Non-Party Candidates for Federal and Statewide Offices" http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/elepdf/2018-State-Primary-Calendar-New-Da...

● "The first step in running for Office as a Write-in or Sticker Candidate is checking with local Election Officials about any particular technicalities involved, such as Enrollment or Residency requirements." https://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/elestkr/stkridx.htm

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It’s too late for a candidate to get one’s name on the ballot.

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Their deadline for turning in nomination papers is not until the last Tuesday in August.

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q.v. "Non-Party Candidates for Federal and Statewide Offices" http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/elepdf/2018-State-Primary-Calendar-New-Da...

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The Bay State, like many other places here in the United States, has a long, long history of incestuous politics--voting the same people in year after year. Maybe it's time for some fresh blood, if one gets the drift.

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Delivered 800 votes for Josh which raises the question what did the Prince of Darkness do to piss off Marty.

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He made threatening noises about the shadows from the Winthrop Square tower project Walsh really wants.

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if change is going to happen, it's going to happen.

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Marty's "machine" probably had 50 delegates, 100 absolute maximum, in total there. Nice try though.

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Boston had 457 delegates, and I'd say that most of them had come connection to the mayor.

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You do know how delegates get to go to the Democratic Convention right? They are elected by their ward committees and contrary to your belief, all the ward committees are not controlled by the Marty Walsh. Frankly I didn't know that Mayor Walsh had thrown his endorsement to Josh Zakim until after I cast my vote for Zakim.

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I will defer, but it is known that the mayor does have a large political machine, hence he would have sway with the delegates I mentioned.

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On RICO charges?

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... Mary Walsh's role in convincing Boston delegates ...

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He allegedly left before the announcement. In a huff. Or a minute and a huff.

Must have been too strange to be a witness to your own crucifixion and Marty fucking Walsh acting as Herod...

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Galvin wove his own rope. Built his own petard. Made his bed ...

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The original "petard, hoisted by one's own" was a fart joke. I'm not sure how one would be built... Manufactured maybe? Either through dietary choices or by the more literal option of crafting an explosive device.

But yeah. The Bard thought farts were hilarious, just like us. Especially if they were strong enough to launch the deployer into the air.

What a world we live in.

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Who doesn't love a fart joke?

Except those who love to testily explain at length how far they are above loving fart jokes.

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if there was one, long preceded Shakespeare. In his time a petard was a bomb, a kind of mine used for bringing down walls. This meaning is obvious in the original context:

For 'tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his own petar, an't shall go hard
But I will delve one yard below their mines
And blow them at the moon.

Hamlet is describing the nasty trick he is setting up for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. It's hard to find a fart in that metaphor unless you are really eager for fart jokes.

The verb 'to fart' is péter in French, and that may have been the origin of the name of the explosive device, but it was well established before Shakespeare got to it.

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He left after three recounts and before the vote was announced. His campaign spokesman came to the press riser and told us oh, he's gone. He left.

Marty did indeed ask all undecided delegates to back Zakim, but he will not call that an endorsement.

Adam, you should know who I am.

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A Democrat friend (former elected official) who attended the convention told me that Massie and Gonzales should step aside and allow Jimmy Tingle to run for Governor. Tingle was the only one who inspired the crowd, barely. I can't stand Tingle after a vile, far-left "comedy' appearance at a family event a few years ago but would be one of the million plus Trump voters who would hold my nose and vote Tingle against RINO Baker. Tingle's frequent mention of religion and belief in God was met with silence from the atheist crowd. This is your MA Democrat party. Tingle has the magic stage presence of Trump but if he isn't thinking about our President (as he claimed several times) why keep mentioning our President?

As for Zakim and Galvin, can they both lose? I would be happy to see Galvin dumped but Zakim advocating abortion in the Secretary of State race and using graphics of the Zakim bridge (not named for him) on his campaign signs is a new low. Really shameless.

As an unenrolled voter who never misses an election, it will be tough to decide which ballot to pull in the primary and who to vote against.

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The bridge is named after his father. That gives him the right. And so what if he's not heavily invested in coat hanger futures? No one seemed to make that much of a big deal when Trump's old man hated the colored and got arrested at a Klan rally.

And Tingle? Haven't we had enough of clowns with a D after their name in office in this state? Ask Stan Rosenberg.

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Fish is the kind of Trumpist who thinks Samantha Bee's description of Ivanka Trump as a feckless c*nt is vile but Donald Trump calling Sally Yates a c*nt is the appropriate.

If Sam Bee should be fired for saying c*nt Donald Trump should be too. Republicans have never had a president who delegitimizes Republican claims to moral superiority more than Donald Trump does.

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Tingle has the magic stage presence of Trump...

Trump's "magic stage presence" has the same effect on me as Ipecac.

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I would compare Tingle to Reagan long before the small handed cheeto and his pathetic presence on stage.

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I know a lot of Atheists who have read the new testament and understand how it resonates with humanist values far more than the phony religious "My uber abusive daddy sky fairy favors ME best "nonsense being spewed by the neopharisees straight out of the old testament - the ones that worship Trump as their golden calf.

Tingle himself may feel his religion, but he has been speaking the language of humanism for well over a decade now.

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Reagan, Trump and Tingle are/were all entertainers. Reagan and Trump won, in part because they motivate a crowd. Tingle could win too.

As my Democrat delegate friend told me, Tingle was the only one who inspired, barely.

For Tingle to dare mention God and religion at the Democrat convention, might be just enough courage to sway thousands of voters desperate for an alternative to Baker. It will be a small turnout so anything can happen. Massie and the other fellow should step aside if Dems are serious, and that's not just from me but a seasoned, moderate Dem who won many elections.

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The Dubya "Democrat" thing? Petty and spiteful and unimaginative as ever, Fish.

(also, do you actually think anyone with a functioning nervous system is stupid enough to take your "speaking for a friend" advice on what the DEMOCRATIC Party should do?)

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Ever notice Fish leaves out the sensory details and other written flourishes that are typical of stories told by honest people. A liar will try to be as incomplete as possible on details, including time, because these are difficult to construct and then keep consistent to in later renditions of the story.

Most of what he posts is purposely short and vague. This is because a longer, more complete, and spelled out a story is, the more likely it is to be true. Again, telling a lie or a string of lies takes more effort. It means that he has to create an entire scenario out of his head. Brevity may be “the soul of wit,” but it’s also the soul of a lie.

A first glance at Fish’s various comments may give you the initial impression that he is being sincere and forthright. However, upon closer examination of the words he uses, the pejorative, descriptive, adjectives he applies to people, the false facts and disinformation he spreads, one quickly learns he is inherently deceptive and, by the way, not very good at it.

Often, his comments don’t make sense and are full of contradictions. Fortunately, most UHub members long ago caught onto his game. They know that a true story will hang together better than a string of lies. Always remember, his objective is to confuse by employing tactics to divert attention from the real issue, to argue and create dissent by deliberately use ambiguity or doublespeak in order to deceive or mislead. Fish is an experienced troll but not particularly skillful one. Most of the time, his MO is: "do not look here, let me confuse you to stay focused on minutiae of unrelated details…ultimately I want to divert everyone else’s thoughts and attention to me and my agenda.”

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You forgot to mention the Torah, Quran and the Egyptian Book of the Dead too. And others as well I'm sure.

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I was just responding without going down the "Judeo Christian" rathole.

Although the New Testament is both unique and distinct from the Old Testament, with which much shared with the Torah, Quran, etc. And it is distinct in ways that OT flogging "Christians" of the sort who see Drumpf as their neomessiah tend to forget or never bothered to learn.

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I'm with you most of the way, Swirly, but your Biblical references are a little mixed. There are no Pharisees, neo or otherwise, in the Old Testament.

i'm one of those atheists who have read the New Testament, and the old one as well. I kind of favor the old. More stories, less philosophy. On the other hand the boring parts are really, really boring, and they go on forever. And some of the prophets are incomprehensible, which is really exciting until you start to realize that they're just making it up as they go along.

The Israelites that demanded of Aaron that he make them a golden calf certainly weren't confident that Yahweh favored them. They didn't have any idea who he was, and were looking for a backup plan.

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Here's Zakim on the issues: for better access to voting (same-day registration, etc), for fixing the effed up FOIA process.

Then I went to Bill Galvin's website. There's literally nothing about the issues the SoS might be in charge of. Nothing! That looks great for transparency, right?

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There's nothing more transparent than nothing.

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Nothing- look at the 1990 Democratic Governor’s race. Silber had to fight to get his 15% just to get on the ballot. And on the other side, who can forget Stephen Pierce’s victory over Bill Weld. In short, the convention means nothing.

On the other hand, since there is little interest in most of the other races (the Governor’s race is a joke, but the primary in the 6th and maybe 7th CD might get people out) this could be an election of the party elites over the independents and average voters that come out when the race is a big one.

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Independents are a huge swing vote, even in the primaries, since Massachusetts allows anyone to show up and take a ballot of their choice.

Which is one way that Bill Weld moved through to the final election - there were suddenly a lot more "Republicans" on primary night.

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But also remember that independents also helped Silber.

For those who care, the Secretary of the Commonwealth race should be interesting over the summer. Of course, how many voters even know what the Secretary of the Commonwealth is. Or that the title is Secretary of the Commonwealth.

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That's Moulton's district - does he have primary opposition?

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Yes, the most important primary in September will be in the 3rd CD, not the 6th. I'm glad I looked it up this time, since my second guess would have been the fourth.

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...at the Mass 1st district. Should be interesting...

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Which is my point on the 7th, too.

For that matter, what ever happened with the woman from Lexington who was going to run against Lynch, whose district does not include Lexington?

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She never lived in Lexington.

She is running against Lynch.

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She doesn't (or at least didn't) give in the district. And given past events involving her, I'd rather not go through the effort of tracking down and mentioning where she lives (or lived.)

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Dedham. In the district.

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It was my understanding she lived in Clarke’s district.

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Part of which is in the 5th

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Can't wait.

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In all seriousness, is Galvin the candidate of the party elite or is Zakim? Does Galvin's longevity and winning history trump a much younger, more liberal, energetic fresh face who apparently had the support of Marty Walsh and many others to win the convention? Galvin hasn't had a competitive race since losing to Joe Malone for Treasurer in 1990. Does he even have a campaign organization? Will Galvin debate his opponent, something he has been criticized for avoiding in the past.

If this heats up, look for a nervous Baker to spend heavily in the Republican primary. If most unenrolleds take a Dem ballot to vote in the SoS race, that means the Republican turnout will be next to nothing, with Lively nipping at Baker's heels. Capuano can't be too comfortable either if this becomes a "throw the bums out" year.

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am I finding this post of yours actually makes sense?

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If he really thinks that Baker is going to "spend heavily" to repel a challenger who cannot be more repulsive.

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If that doesn't say everything that needs to be said about Massachusetts Republicans, I don't know what would.

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A Lively vote is a protest vote for Baker being a Blue Falcon to fellow Republicans and not a sincere show of support for Lively.

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In regards to Capuano, you also have to look at the other side of the coin. Sure it may hurt if it is a "throw out the bums year" but it is also very possible Zakim has absorbed the air in the room for now. He is the longshot that just leaped ahead of the incumbent. That leaves Pressley running to play catch up. While she is telling people she would vote the same but would be different we have Zakim telling us exactly what he would do differently. We know where the differences are, if they just sent in their notes we would see it clear as day.

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