Chuck Turner's Past May Come Back To Haunt Him Before Election Day '09!
The framing of United States soldiers; The racial attacks towards a Latina Candidate; The refusal to shovel snow off a Boston City sidewalk; The stealing of Massachusetts tax paying cold hard cash of $1000, caught on FBI video camera along with Diane Wilkerson stealing $25.000.00 accepting bribes.
To add insult to injury, attacks most of local TV news media and including the Spanish television station of “Univison” Channel 27; Using “RACE” in almost every non-related issues; and got the nerve to ask for your vote so he can continue his rich quick corruption schemes; lying, cheating, stealing and ripping off the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Boston Political Corruptions in the Commonwealth. How long the corruptions of politics will continue? (Blog stories are based on re-searches, news, facts, thought, opinions and predictions)