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Jamaica Plain appliance store could go to pot
By adamg on Tue, 03/19/2019 - 12:14pm
Jamaica Plain News reports AAA Appliances on Centre Street, near the Monument, could be replaced by a pot shop, if approved by the city and state. The appliance store would then move somewhere else, either in JP or West Roxbury.
The zoning board last week approved a pot shop at the other end of Centre, in Hyde Square. That store still needs a state license to open.
Free tagging:
Ha ha! Pondside. Now I think
Ha ha! Pondside. Now I think they should put the new Pinestreet Inn on top of it.
new pot shop in jp
great news. yes please!
Fantastic News!
UHub was really bumming me out today (transwoman knocked out of wheelchair and stabbed, WW2 Monument vandalized et al), but then I saw this! Hopefully I will soon be able to buy a big fat bone and stroll a few blocks over to the Pond (my favorite spot in the world) and puff puff puff! I agree with Charles Dickens when he said something to the effect of, "These are the best of times, these are the worst of times."
Not legally
but you can stop at my place if you're sharing!
No to bum you out
But legally you STILL won't be able to smoke a joint at the pond. (I realize that plenty of people do this NOW, but it will still not be legal.)
Ive been toking up there for
Ive been toking up there for over 30 years. Remember that what happens at the Pond stays at the Pond...lolol
Just don't it around people...plenty of secluded spots.
I've bought stuff at AAA and they seemed nice
This isn't surprising though, money talks. Maybe they can move to Roslindale where Harrison used to be.
In other Roslindale retail news, it looks like our only junk store is closing, down on Poplar? Anyone ever get anything good in there?
Double the fun!
With the Hyde Square store over 1/2 mile away, JP could be one of the first neighborhoods with 2 shops.
Variety is the spice of life :-)
East Boston has four possible shops, all half mile or more away
So the race is on! Actually, Roslindale has three potential shops, but only two have even had neighborhood meetings, never mind getting an agreement from the city or a state license.
Wait for the NIMBY attack
Knowing a few of the supposedly true blue liberal folks on the pond side I can see some serious political pushing against a pot shop in the triple A space. That is true blue liberal when the rules apply to anyone except for themselves.
those pesky liberals sure are
those pesky liberals sure are known for hating weed! /s
let's wait and see maybe
JPNews is very much on the "residents oppose the new fill-in-the-blank" beat, so it's interesting that it says nothing about community response.
FWIW this is one true blue JP lib who's pretty happy to be potentially getting a weed store within walking distance.
The word "pot" is sooo
The word "pot" is sooo annoying and unprofessional in my opinion.
From now on, I'll just refer to weed shops.
Saying Pot just sounds so baby boomer, reefer madness, Marty McFly, DARE-y its not a word any one of my friends or young people generally say.
Brand it however you want
I don’t want to have to smell it everywhere I go.
Hyde Square High
Hope this location opens.
The proximity to amazing food places in Hyde Square just complement the deal.