Jesus, "asking" the AEEF? That's the problem, at this point GBH needs to be TELLING the AEEF. Said union has never quite seemed to have understood that, oh, it's not the frickin' 1970s anymore.
Then again, this is a place where I overheard in the cafe somebody bitching about how YouTube was evil because >GASP< views on YouTube weren't reflected in the Neilsens. So this might just be the dinosaur roaring as it slides into the tarpit.
The article references a reduction in donations, and one would assume that this is due in part to the recession. Perhaps true, but is it possible that another cause could be THOSE STUPID FUND-RAISING MARATHONS FEATURING PROGRAMMING TOTALLY AT VARIANCE WITH WHAT VIEWERS OF PUBLIC TELEVISION WANT? For weeks at a time the call letters WGBH refer nt to the Great Blue Hill, home of channel 2's parent FM station's transmitter site...but the more appropriate phrase "We've Gone Bonkers Here".
Very sadly, we'll be seeing more of these stories as the year unfolds. The public and non-profit sectors are next in line for the recessionary hit. The WGBH fundraising marathons have been a staple for years -- it's not as if people suddenly waited until now to withhold donations out of sheer annoyance.
Jesus, "asking" the AEEF?
Jesus, "asking" the AEEF? That's the problem, at this point GBH needs to be TELLING the AEEF. Said union has never quite seemed to have understood that, oh, it's not the frickin' 1970s anymore.
Then again, this is a place where I overheard in the cafe somebody bitching about how YouTube was evil because >GASP< views on YouTube weren't reflected in the Neilsens. So this might just be the dinosaur roaring as it slides into the tarpit.
Reductions In Donations: What Could Be The Cause?
The article references a reduction in donations, and one would assume that this is due in part to the recession. Perhaps true, but is it possible that another cause could be THOSE STUPID FUND-RAISING MARATHONS FEATURING PROGRAMMING TOTALLY AT VARIANCE WITH WHAT VIEWERS OF PUBLIC TELEVISION WANT? For weeks at a time the call letters WGBH refer nt to the Great Blue Hill, home of channel 2's parent FM station's transmitter site...but the more appropriate phrase "We've Gone Bonkers Here".
next wave of the recession
Very sadly, we'll be seeing more of these stories as the year unfolds. The public and non-profit sectors are next in line for the recessionary hit. The WGBH fundraising marathons have been a staple for years -- it's not as if people suddenly waited until now to withhold donations out of sheer annoyance.
Here's a recent piece from The Nation, "The Perfect Storm," illustrating what the non-profits are facing: