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The Patriots mask plane has landed
By adamg on Thu, 04/02/2020 - 6:17pm
Patrick posted photos of the Patriots 767 carrying hundreds of thousands of N95 masks at 6:05 p.m.
Free tagging:
Patrick posted photos of the Patriots 767 carrying hundreds of thousands of N95 masks at 6:05 p.m.
"Underdog 386" was the flight
"Underdog 386" was the flight's call sign. Underdog is the registered call sign of the Patriots aircraft.
There's no need to fear?
There's no need to fear?
Look. Up in the sky.
It's a bird. It's a plane. It'a a Gronk.
Not plane nor bird
nor even Gronk.
That name sounds odd now but older residents might recall when they used to play against Digital Equipment Corp and their Alpha processors. To this day many are disappointed the Pat's Intel proved to be more successful in the marketplace, irrespective of how complete their instruction set might have been.
Who was that mask plane?
Who was that mask plane?
Don't the Patriots usually use TF Green to get to/from Foxborough? If that's the case, it's also pretty rare for the plane to be at Logan too, irrespective of masks.
Yes, the plane lives at TF Green