Four days after Lalin’s death on the Red Line last month, the MBTA board of directors’ safety subcommittee did not ask MBTA staff a single question about the tragedy at a public meeting.
You aren't supposed to answer questions when there is an open NTSB investigation, or if you do ask them, no one is supposed to answer them, just the NTSB
Seems to me, there's pretty clear management problems when you have widespread safety issues across the system.
Four days after Lalin’s death on the Red Line last month, the MBTA board of directors’ safety subcommittee did not ask MBTA staff a single question about the tragedy at a public meeting.
Where's the management oversight? Where's the governor? But for some people, it's always the union's fault.
Employers have so much power because government oversight and regulation is practically nonexistent in America. When the prospect of loosing a job means loosing healthcare or being quickly thrown into poverty, it distorts everything.
Thanks, Charlie
You really fixed the hell out of the T
It was the one issue…
…anyone remembers him running on. Heckuva job, Charlie.
Well, there was also
his being a health care executive - that experience really helped two years ago!!
We should have voted for...
Walter A. O'Brien and got Charlie off the M(B)TA.
All those task forces and special commissions
really did the job there!
They're just concerned now?
They're just concerned now? LOLOLOL
Transit Accident Investigations
How many times have the in-house Transit Police detectives found T-management responsible for safety violations in the last ten years?
Probably none
Then again, that's not part of the TPD's purview, no? That's why we have state and federal safety offices.
Well the Transit polices
Well the Transit polices purview would be if there was anything criminal that occurred
From the article:
That says it all.
You aren't supposed to answer
You aren't supposed to answer questions when there is an open NTSB investigation, or if you do ask them, no one is supposed to answer them, just the NTSB
Hopefully the investigations
Hopefully the investigations will lead to the Governor's Office.
(No subject)
It’s time
To end the unions. Break the pensions. Bring in Disney- they know how to move people.
Why is it Always the Unions Fault?
Seems to me, there's pretty clear management problems when you have widespread safety issues across the system.
Where's the management oversight? Where's the governor? But for some people, it's always the union's fault.
We need more unions not less.
We need more unions not less.
We need better oversight
Employers have so much power because government oversight and regulation is practically nonexistent in America. When the prospect of loosing a job means loosing healthcare or being quickly thrown into poverty, it distorts everything.
I'm not pro-union as much as I am pro-regulation.
Union busting is why the
Union busting is why the middle class struggles as much as they do. Strong union = strong middle class.
Let's all say this together "corporations do not care about their workers."
How many times do people have to be hit over the head w/ this?
Between the issues with
Between the issues with building sites lately and the T problems, feds will be overseeing a lot of things here.
The I Team
Reported that the Transit Police are instructed to give bus drivers preferential treatment in accidents
beverly scott
doesnt she work for the feds now ?