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If only he'd waited a couple days: Mask hater not allowed on a T bus last week now has a BOLO issued for kicking the bus door

Wanted for kicking an MBTA bus door

Surveillance photos via TPD.

Transit Police have released photos of a guy they say responded to being barred from a bus at the Massachusetts Avenue stop for refusing to put on a mask by kicking the bus door, causing a a spider-web crack that forced the bus out of service.

The allegedly kicky man applied his foot of steel around 12:45 p.m. on April 17, when the T still had its mask requirement in place. The T lifted its mask mandate around 4 p.m. on April 19.

If he looks familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050 or send an anonymous text tip to 873873.



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The mask mandates were determined to be outside the law, illegal.

They ended on Monday, the T affirmed as much on Tuesday

While there is no excuse for damaging public property, there was also no excuse for public employees to not follow the law and common sense.

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One judge, a Trump-appointed ideologue who was labeled "unqualified" by the ABA, made that determination. An activist judge with an agenda. Since the Biggest Loser was allowed to pack the Federal judiciary with these partisan hacks, we're going to see a lot more of this kind of bullshit.

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And they know their political leanings.



This process became much more political with FDR and you can see that in the numbers in the first link above. You’ll also see that Jimmy Carter appointed more judges than stumpy trumpy, while Obama did significantly less. I have always felt that Obama could’ve done more.

You should also note that Biden has taken action here since taking office.


Getting upset over this isn’t rational and your grudge should be against the laws. There will be a bigger jackass than the orange man in the near future and sitting around blaming everything on trump does nothing. I would argue that you are actually giving him power and helping him to get re-elected.

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There will be a bigger jackass than the orange man in the near future...

I sure hope you're wrong about that. I'm having trouble imagining such a person.

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Obama tried to do more and was intentionally blocked from doing so by McConnell, who was hoping for a Republican next prez. He blocked HUNDREDS of Federal appointments on purpose - it was in all the papers dude. In other news, congratulations on finally waking up from your coma - the only reasonable excuse for such a dumb comment. Apologies to your family for the same reason.

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Perhaps I missed it, but I do not recall any recent court cases that ruled against the MBTA's mask mandate.

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For those of us who take the T daily to offset the gas guzzling single occupant vehicles, we know that the T has made it clear that their masking was due to the Federal mandate.

The mandate was found to be illegal on Monday.

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However, the MBTA was free to maintain its mask policy if it chose to do so.

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The T was still enforcing the mask rule Tuesday morning. But in any case, the door kicking happened Sunday, when the mask requirement was still in place.

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Took me a minute to figure out this referred to the Orange Line station. Weird to hear it in the context of a bus route!

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When I read "Massachusetts Avenue," I was thinking of that big bus shelter by Newbury Street, but the second photo looks like Mass. Ave. on the Orange Line.

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let's be glad it didn't get to something like this


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Why was he required to wear a mask?

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The MBTA's mask mandate was still in place.

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Railroad car windows can withstand rocks and other objects; you'd think the glass used on buses would be as good.

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And has strong leg muscles.

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This may come as a shock to you, but trains achieve much higher speeds than most buses do, hence the disparity in the window grades.

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In Boston?

T buses go on roads with a 65 mph limit. The subway never goes that fast. The Commuter Rail might, but very rarely.

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...on victim blaming!

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How is that victim blaming? Unless you’re talking about the bus window being the victim?

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Unless you’re talking about the bus window being the victim?

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The info given does not indicate how many kicks were given. The glass is likely tempered as well as laminated, so while the glass spiderwebbed, per info above, it did not come out of the frame. The T, I'd guess for safety purposes, takes busses out of service when glass is cracked.

Fun fact, tempered glass can shatter pretty easily if you hit in just the right spot once. So depending upon where this kicker hit the glass, just one kick could cause spiderwebbing.

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But since the Transit Police don't ride buses I guess bus drivers are in charge of policing buses.

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