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Another failed Massachusetts putschist found guilty as part of the mob that broke into the Capitol on Jan. 6

St. Pierre egging on fellow y'all quedaists and in happier times

St. Pierre egging on fellow y'all quedaists at the Capitol and in simpler times.

A federal judge in Washington, DC this week convicted the owner of a Fall River market on four counts - one a felony - for throwing a flagpole topper at police and using a bullhorn to encourage other insurrectionists inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, after first videoing himself exclaiming that he'd like to "grab Nancy Pelosi by the hair and fucking twirl her around."

Michael St. Pierre, 46, of Swansea, and owner of the Family Foods Grocery Outlet - which he closed in August, 2021 - asked for a trial before a judge rather than a jury. US District Court Judge Jia Cobb found St. Pierre guilty of the felony offense of civil disorder and three misdemeanor charges: Destruction of government property, disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, and committing an act of physical violence on the Capitol grounds, the US Attorney's office in Washington reports.

Cobb set sentencing for March 14.

According to the US Attorney's office:

On Jan. 6, 2021, St. Pierre arrived at the Capitol grounds in Washington, D.C., wearing a body armor vest and carrying a megaphone. St. Pierre approached the west side of the Capitol grounds and recorded a video on his phone, which was later posted to his Facebook page. In the video, St. Pierre pointed the camera at the Capitol building and said, “That’s where the meeting ground is. Hopefully they bust through, and I’ll join them, to rush the Capitol and go grab Nancy Pelosi by the hair and fuckining twirl her around.”

St. Pierre traveled across the west front and climbed on top of a wall of the exterior façade of the West Plaza next to the Northwest stairs. While there, he yelled through his megaphone as the packed crowd filled the steps next to him and the Plaza below. St. Pierre then made his way to the Upper West Terrace and eventually arrived at the North Doors on the northern exterior wall of the Capitol building.

Here, while the Metropolitan and Capitol Police Officers were outside the North Doors attempting to prevent the crowd from entering the Capitol building, St. Pierre waved the crowd forward towards the Capitol and the outnumbered officers and then pushed on the backs of other rioters who were directly battling with police. While St. Pierre pushed, rioters in front of him sprayed bear spray and used flag poles as clubs and spears against the police officers. Eventually, the crowd charged the officers, and the officers retreated inside of the Capitol building. St. Pierre joined the crowd chasing the officers and cheered on the attack through his megaphone.

While rioters continued to battle police outside the North Doors, St. Pierre attempted to incite the crowd through his megaphone, saying, “Come on everybody, let’s go everybody, we got to get everybody tight. We got to get tight! Let’s go guys! We are going to storm this bitch!” At one point, while police attempted to deploy fire extinguisher smoke to clear the area of rioters, St. Pierre threw a metal flagpole top at one of the glass windows in the door while officers were directly behind the doors.

St. Pierre was not arrested until July of last year.

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he'll be pardoned before sentencing. Thanks to Merrick Garland. Not firing that weakling one of the failures of Biden. It's a good thing he's not on the Supreme Court - Gorsuch is a more interesting thinker.


What a David Brooks type thing to say. Counts for everything, that does.

This guy, for a late 90's reference, looks like if Mark from Sugar Ray made contact with Shea Hillenbrand's "doctor".

Also, he's an asshole.


As if joining the J6 clowns wasn't enough to telegraph that he is an intellectually and emotionally stunted man-child.


A generation ago these man children wouldn't vote or pay attention. Now our entire political process is reality television and all these folks who believe in weaponized hurricanes are hyped up and ready to root for their team.

Also, I would like to publish my first use of the phrase "punchable face". Thanks everyone and keep watching to see what happens for the season finale!


Suits this demented dingbat perfectly.




Probably steroid abuse, but this dude has done his liver no favors in some fashion.

Same asshole was also subjecting his store's employees and customers to COVID because it didn't exist in his addled brain (mask hurt facey!) https://www.heraldnews.com/story/news/local/2021/01/29/michael-pierre-gr...


I hate this game that the RNC and DNC have settled on. The RNC could muster a semblance of authority over the charlatans and fascists and the DNC could stop raising to the bait and perpetuating this dysfunctional dynamic. The two party system must be saved, but each in their way is undermining the authority and strength of our institutions and values.

Who am I to question the wisdom of the DNC’s do no harm, don’t breathe, don’t speak, reveal nothing, coin toss strategy? Where might we have been if we had an open, democratic Convention and forced our candidates to go on record with their vision of America? You can’t inherit a mandate and the truth is the a significant majority of Democratic voters have great trepidations and many outright resent being the victims of the DNC’s extortion.

The walking atrocity that is Trump should be enough for the Democrats to win, but it may not be. Candidate Kamala Harris must, must take the stage and soon and stand up and be a Presidential candidate who lays out a point-by-point agenda. Platitudes, sound bites and empty rhetoric is not enough. It’s not enough for a Democratic candidate to state what are given planks and rest their laurels on that; a President must be Presidential, a world-beating leader with a vision. The tension in the air is what’s going to pop out of the Harris-Walz mystery box in the first hundred days should we win in November?

We can’t rely on a coin toss- will the real candidate Harris please stand up, because I want to know what the hell I’m voting for.


Okay boomer.


Imma genexer.


tl;dr "Why did America wear such a revealing dress?"


You are either voting for fascism or for familiar dysfunction + time to continue to try to fix the problems (including with the Supreme Court).

I personally would rather spend my time continuing to work on changing these systems and developing new ones than literally fighting a fascist government takeover.

But that's just me.


The DNC is the Democratic National Committee, an executive board whose formal function is more administrative than the sort of thought-leadership that you seem to think is within their wheelhouse. The RNC used to be much the same, but now it's a rubber stamping/money laundering Trump operation.

Who am I to question the wisdom of the DNC’s do no harm, don’t breathe, don’t speak, reveal nothing, coin toss strategy? Where might we have been if we had an open, democratic Convention and forced our candidates to go on record with their vision of America?

Funny you didn't say this about the Republicans. Could it be that you do not, in fact, know how conventions work? Or incumbency? Or maybe your schoolbooks don't go back to 1968?


the truth is the a significant majority of Democratic voters have great trepidations and many outright resent being the victims of the DNC’s extortion.

Ron Howard voice: It was not, in fact, the truth.



You should see the YouTube January 6th sentencing videos. From those viewing experiences this fellow is looking at at least a year or longer.