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Perennial homophobic, immigrant-hating candidate is running again

Smith reports on a minivan turned sound truck roaming around the South End last night, "imploring me to vote for Roy Owens in November."

He says the amplified voice did not specify why one should vote for Roy Owens, though, but aware of his past stands in the elections he fails to win every single year, Smith adds, "I hope he has an opponent that I can vote for."

Smith is in luck. Owens is running in the 9th Suffolk state rep's race as a Republican against incumbent and Democrat John Moran.

For those just tuning in, Owens runs for something every year. He really hates immigrants and thinks gays want to teach anal sex to kindergarteners. He also loathes street fairs on Blue Hill Avenue.

His current 9th Suffolk Web site, a redo of his old 5th Suffolk Web site, opposes new liquor licenses along Blue Hill Avenue and ministers not associated with his church, whom he accuses of buckling under to certain politicians to destroy the Black community:

My opponents have failed to take a stand against laws forcing pastors to promote unhealthy life style HABITS in their Churches or face jail and large fines. (Laws written by Sonia Chang-Diaz and support by Ayanna Pressley, Michelle Wu and other city Councilors).

The site also refers to "District-7," possibly a holdover from his unsuccessful race for city council against District 7 incumbent Tania Fernandes Anderson.

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Which is worse in the neighborhood, a sound truck or a street fair?

Voting closed 20

A sound truck. Because a street fair had community support whereas a sound truck is just a nuisance.

Voting closed 31