Franklin Matters reports the Franklin Federated Church was trying to collect all those boxes for a program at Boston Medical Center for little kids who need extra nutritional help.
Boston Medical Center
The Globe reports doctors at Boston Medical Center are seeing an increased number of young children suffering from malnourishment:
Many families are unable to afford enough healthy food to feed their children, say the Boston Medical Center doctors. The resulting chronic hunger threatens to leave scores of infants and toddlers with lasting learning and developmental problems.
Blames cuts in government reimbursements, the Boston Business Journal reports.
Standard & Poor's slashes its credit rating over poor financial outlook, the Boston Business Journal reports.
Life imitated TV this afternoon when a man was stabbed inside the Boston Medical Center emergency room, leaving him in critical condition, Channel 5 reports.
Boston Police tweeted about a fire at 70 E. Newton St., around 6:30 p.m.
Beth Israel Deaconess CEO Paul Levy explains why the answer to the increasing costs of the state's health care system is not to cut funding to Boston Medical Center the and Cambridge Health Alliance, which get extra money from the state for treating such large numbers of the uninsured - an argument made by the Pioneer Institute in the Globe today. ckquote>
Christine compares Boston's High Spine with a high spine - seven floors up at Boston Medical Center.
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