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Silent vigil in Jamaica Plain this evening
By adamg on Thu, 06/18/2015 - 8:40pm

Boston shows us the silent vigil on the lawn of the First Baptist Church on Centre Street tonight.
Baker and the confederate flag
While Baker today just defended the flying of the confederate flag at state capitals, until he was lambasted and then pulled a Romney and flip flopped. A racist and a coward, but I guess those go hand in hand.
Globe report
Baker apologizes for remarks on Confederate flag.
Saying you're sorry
..just means you'll do it again.
Good to know yet another tone deaf rich asshole is afflicted with foot in mouth disease.
I'm no Baker fan but
that's a stretch.
Thanks to Adam...
...there's a link to the actual interview. Read it AC, from the article, "...and my view on stuff like this is that South Carolinians can make their own call. ..."
Which is a damn far cry from your lame, personal libels on Baker.
doesn't know what he's talking about
I would say Charlie Baker doesn't know what he's talking about ...and that's a much different kind of ignorance than racism.
Why doesn't he know what he's talking about? To me, that would be interesting question to answer.
Not defended
Its not Baker's decision what flags get flown in South Carolina any more than what the official language is spoken in France. Should he have appeased the intolerant PC mob so they don't burn him at the stake and suggest they don't fly the Confederate flag, of course! Learning moment for Charlie.
Mark, it's the vitriol of the left.
If the anon coward had a legit point to make, I'd be more interested in listening and engaging in intelligent (by my meager standards, anyway) discourse. Instead, all you get is, "rich assholes, racist cowards" which I consider nothing but libel. OK, he's rich. For the rest of it?
Pure BS.
Well, off to play in the real world.
Another coward
What a big whiny baby you are, MarKKK. You and Charlie Baker, the most oppressed people on earth, in dire danger of being burned at the stake at any moment by "the intolerant PC mob". Put up or shut up, you coward: when was the last time that "the intolerant PC mob" cost you anything except a portion of your cherished narrow-minded mental comfort? Put up or shut up, I'm waiting to hear! You're like someone with a paper cut wanting to go to the head of the line at the ER. Stop bellyaching about your woes, you have nothing to complain about.
"Yet much of the reason the Confederate flag is so contentious is because objections to it are not raised in good faith. Many opponents of Confederate symbols demonstrate not to promote the reduction of racial tensions and the advancement of a shared good, but out of a desire to impose their own moral outlook on dissenters — because it suits their present-day interests. Racial identity and the interests of one’s own racial group are of outsize importance in leftwing politics. Those interests are furthered when history can be invoked in one’s favor; thus today’s “racial activists” are keen to cast the the Civil War as a simple contest of Good-versus-Evil — even though it is obvious that, pace Ta-Nehisi Coates, the American South was not analogous to Nazi Germany, and the Confederate flag is not the Third Reich’s swastika. Arguments to the contrary have in mind not a proper interpretation of past events, but the manipulation of those events to bolster a present-day agenda." Ian Tutle
No, the Confederate South was not Nazi Germany. It was its own special form of horribleness, one that, as long as we're talking about history here, deserves to be treated with particular scorn in the state that was one of the centers of the abolitionist movement, that was among the first to respond to the call to preserve the union, and that sent the first black regiments into battle (and let's not forget that it was also the state that had one of its senators nearly beaten to death in the Capitol by a slave supporting congressman).
And as long as you're bringing up Tutle's argument that, somehow, only blacks can be offended by the detritus of Confederate slaveholders, I'll do the same, and offer another paragraph from the piece from which you selectively quoted:
Adam why rely on an argument put forth by an amateur
like the National Review's Tutle when you can go right to the grand poobah and his famous "Why the South should Prevail" essay.
"The central question that emerges-and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the rights of American citizens, born Equal-is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not pre- dominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes -the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race.”
Now that's a counter argument. As I recall, a segregationists lunch counter argument.
I'm torn on this Confederate Flag thing
At this point in my life, I can pretty much give you the history of virtually every Massachusetts Regiment that fought in the Civil War. I touch the Lions in the old BPL regularly. I went to the Robert Gould Shaw school in West Roxbury. I know where Camp Andrew and Camp Meigs are locally, and what regiments mustered there.
In other words, I'm completely invested in, and achingly proud of my local connection to the Civil War, and Massachusetts contribution to Abolition, and the preservation of our country.
And if I grew up in Charleston rather than close to Charlestown, I likely would feel the same way about the Confederate flag, and about my ancestors who followed it. And I guess that I would be pissed at the rednecks who hijack it for boneheaded reasons like NASCAR and racial murder. But I would damned sure want to see it flying in front of my state house.
I guess on this one I will defer to Shelby Foote:
Full quote here:
And the swastika?
I'm sure there were soldiers who fought under the swastika for honorable reasons. Should the symbol be cherished and the swastika flag flown proudly today, for that reason?
The Confederate flag was the flag of a rebellion that fought to preserve slavery. You can't separate the flag from the central cause that it represented.
Great Grandfathers
Who fought against the United States of America can be humbly remembered at home by their descendants.
If your great grandfather was a Nazi, a Viet Cong, one of Stalin's goons, flew a Zero, or was a Confederate soldier, don't anticipate respect from American citizens for bragging about it or waving their flag around.
Baker's high approval ratings
Baker's high approval ratings astonish me. All he is done is watch the T collapse, support the confederate flag, and inherit a good state economy from the last governor.
$750m Budget deficit a "good state economy"
Wow, are you delusional or what?
He walked into a budget deficit approaching $1B: http://www.wbur.org/2015/01/14/budget-shortfall-explainer
Can't defend the confederate flag thing. But blaming Baker for Deval's epic Jane Swift-like mismanagement (the state of the T, an outgoing budge deficit, the "legal" junket slush fund) is pretty selective outage, no?
The governor is far from the
The governor is far from the sole person responsible for the budget. I would call the unemployment rate at 4.6, below pre recession levels, a good state economy. Or look at the demand for property. I am not saying Deval was perfect or that Baker sucks but he has basically accomplished nothing to this point yet has sky high approval ratings.
And we all know part of the reason the T sucks is because of the huge debt Baker stuck it with back in the day.
So in 2008, when unemployment almost hit 10%
And Deval was Governor, was he responsible for that as well?
And Deval is "far from the sole person responsible" for the budget deficit, but Baker is the sole person responsible for the Gotterdammerrung that is the T?
Selective much?
I watched Fox newts yesterday so I don't get this vigil thing.
They hold a vigil for the people shot in South Carolina but they are silent on the massacre of Christians in Charleston? Lame stream media....Obama....more guns...Illegals...
A church is...
...the ideal gun-free zone. Bad Haircut Dude basically knew he'd get away with as many murders as he could commit in there.
It's like the Marathon bombing. It's designed to fan hate and instill fear.
I hope he fails.
I hope some good comes from this.
I can't help you with the meds...
They weren't shot because they were Christians, they were shot because they were black. How do we know? Their murderer said so, repeatedly.
I can't help you with the meds, which you obviously need, but aluminum foil is on sale at Market Basket.
Check your sarcasm dip stick.
You appear to be missing a few quarts.
If only...
...your sarcasm didn't closely mirror what certain people are saying in complete seriousness, I'd agree with you. But it does and I don't. Sorry, wish it were otherwise.
People shot in South Carolina WERE the Christians massacred in Charleston - you just feel for the troll post of the year.
"Fox newts" was sort of the give-away.
The predictable yet still "I can't believe they're actually doing it" swivel of the ass-clowns at Fox from "black people shot by self-avowed racist" to "anti-Christian sentiment in this country claims lives" can only be compared to this:
They are masters at message control.
They threw "Christians" against the wall and its dripping off so they'll go to liberal doctors prescribing meds to the nutty with Dr. Keith Ablowjob blaming public education and Hannity explaining it was race hustlers that conspired with muslims and Mexicans to have bowl head kill the victims. Billo O will be on full defense trying to annul the story with falafel and Stuart Varney will blame the Pope. The 5 ass wipes will blame unions, the short bus crew in the morning will blame hollywood and Regretta will pin it on Gen X democrat gamers.
No one knows pain unless you
No one knows pain unless you've been a white, conservative christian(the true victims in this and all instances). Did you know that the NAACP has cancelled christmas and the 2016 election so that Obama can remain dictator and turn us all into muslims?
The usual suspects, fake small c christians like Huckelby
Franklin Graham, Toni Roberts and the like just got shamed by real Christians speaking of forgiveness and Jesus at the arraignment of bowl head. We learned today who the real Christians are.