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Honey, I shrank the train station
By adamg on Sun, 09/28/2008 - 7:30pm
Hanover and Prince wonders what happened to South Station on "Fringe:"
... The below station is on par with the Greyhound station in Ithaca, NY where we went to school. It's one room.
Pathetic! Lord, we hope people around the country don't think this is actually our major transportation hub ...
Free tagging:
Not the first time that's happened...
Isn't this the same show that placed the Williamsburg Bridge in Stoughton?
It is...so
It sure is. Which is why I don't really give these guy's opinions a ton of credence when they say things like:
They must not know their Stoughton from their Ditton.
The Answer!
Now, mind you, I've never even seen this show, but I think the answer is obvious:
This is Boston in an alternate universe!
(You know, string theory and all that ... )
I really am hoping that by
I really am hoping that by the season finale they reveal that they really have been operating in an alternate universe all along and that's the AMAZING SHOCKING TWIST.
Otherwise, I have no explanation why they'd take such great pains to come up with establishing shots of Boston landmarks that look ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THE REAL THING. South Station on Buena Vista Ave. Sheesh. Indeed.
Homeland Security
Terrorists watch sci fi too, you know! Better they not understand the secret layout of the station with it's top secret hidden bus terminal that you can't take pictures in!
re: Kaz
Kaz, we do agree with you. When you add up all the references so far, they are indeed far from perfect. The bridge thing was indeed hilarious. The warehouses looked fine for Stoughton to me, but then again we've never been there.
We were thinking more along the lines of: Cambridge looked like Cambridge, Southie looked like Southie, Harvard looked Harvard-esque, Boston police cars looked like Boston Police cars, etc.
They also did add some crazy new "Boston Federal Building" as well.
- H&P
Shoulda linked here
Previous story on Fringe geography troubles
I shoulda added this to my previous comment so you could see some of the catches others made in the previous episode.
As someone else pointed out, the biggest transgression is that nobody in the show speaks with a Boston accent.