People enjoy mystery fireworks over the harbor
By adamg on Mon, 06/12/2017 - 11:04pm

Cheyenne was among the many people who watched the fireworks over Boston Harbor tonight - and who wondered what the reason was. Joe Phalen reports they were set off from a barge off 50 Liberty in the Seaport. Spencer Buell reports he called Boston and State Police and the city (don't worry - he's a reporter; knows not to call 911) and that nobody had an answer.
UPDATE: BFD spokesman Steve MacDonald reports the privately financed show was put on by Atlas Pyro of Jaffrey, NH for an events-production company called Fresh Wata in Las Vegas, NV.
Free tagging:
The fireworks were because...
Capecoddah Ubered the pride festivities this weekend and managed to not offend any lesbians. Not one.
And I am living in Rozzie for the time being so all you Go-back-to-the-Cape-you-hack types can collectively pound sand now or suck it or whatever the kids are saying nowadays.
Definition of misanthrope:
A person who hates or distrusts humankind - examples of behavior exhibited by misanthropes: a hatred of reasoning, or enlightenment coupled with a hatred, fear, or intolerance of innovation or change.
The natural behavioral evolution of a misanthrope…becomes a bitter critic of society who chooses exile over contact with other people. Typically viewed by others as an antisocial crank who despise everything and everyone.
The most familiar example nowadays is misogynist - a person who hates women. Two lesser-known variations on the theme are misandrist “one who hates men” and misopedist “a person who hates children.”
Contemporary and specific example of an actual misanthrope: capecoddah
At least no one work up blind the next day,
the way it happened in The Day of the Triffids. Maybe because the fireworks weren't green. Or maybe because we don't have triffids yet.
Dating yourself?
if you know The Day of the Triffids, you maybe of a certain age group…if you saw it in a movie theater, you are of a certain age group. I plead guilty.
To quote Sam Malone:
You mean there's a movie?"
Next time I hear a loud
Next time I hear a loud explosion,I'll forget about: If you see something, say something. Don't these things need permits, inspections, and authorities get notified??
And in this case ...
The authorities are probably the Boston Fire Department ...
Either way no message to residents?
Not trying to make the biggest stink out of this...who doesn't like fireworks?
Whether its BFD or anyone else, wouldn't it be prudent to just let people know that fireworks are going to be going off at 945 at night? Not saying I was terrified or worried, but it was alarming when all of sudden out of no where it did sound like distant explosions going off.
who knows, i'm just a yuppie in charlestown
Because it's so important...
...that you know everything that's going on?
You remind me of the people in my town that call the police if there's a raccoon in their yard.
Guess you don't have a dog.
Guess you don't have a dog. MOST are terrified of fireworks. Yes we'd like to know ahead of time so we can walk the dog earlier and give medications in advance to calm them. My dog is hiding and shaking for hours thanks to loud booms EVERY damn night the last three weeks. We HATE fireworks.
I love fireworks, but they
I love fireworks, but they can be traumatic for veterans, even with warning. They can also be very upsetting to dogs.
Agreed that there should be more prominent public notice of fireworks so those who need to can take care of themselves or others as necessary - and so those of us who like them can know when to clamber up on the roof for a view :].
Can somebody tell me how to
Can somebody tell me how to submit pics to this site.
I had great boat seats that I could of submitted if I knew hmm how
Couple of ways
If you have a place to post them somewhere else, you can use tags to embed them here (if you do, let me konw and I'll post directions).
Or e-mail them to me ...
Email please
Tried to find it
[email protected]
Celebrating one of these holidays?
I think that National Peanut Butter Cookie day deserves fireworks!
Kickoff of Sail Boston?
Would the fireworks have anything to do with Tall Ships? No?
There were authorities near the barge
off Fan Pier. I saw both a fire boat and at least some type of police boat (one boat had flashing red lights, the other flashing blue).
I was unable to find out anything about last night's fireworks doing a quick search, but was hoping to find a page that listed other harbor displays. I only could find this one:
A corporation rented out the
A corporation rented out the ICA for an event and also contracted the fireworks for the attendees.