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Covering stuff today
By adamg on Sat, 08/19/2017 - 9:04am
Will be heading down to the Common soon. In my one concession to safety, I'm leaving my laptop home, so will be mainly posting to Twtter (at twitter.com/universalhub) if you want to follow along (with the caveat that data service tends to disappear when large crowds gather).
Same here
And bringing a big, powerful weapon.
My DSLR camera.
What's involved in getting a press pass?
Can you assign a minion or two to an event in the future to get better photo access for a volunteer minion? Certainly not today, but perhaps for future events?
Happy to don my yellow pill suit and round glasses on occasion to help out on behalf of Uhub!
I have usually had them approved by events
Organizers have either given them to me, or an company hired by the organizer has given them to me.
Adam regularly pulls photos from his Flickr page. Any photos you put up there have a good chance of being seeing by many people, even if Adam doesn't post them on Uhub.
Same. I tend to just send adam tweets or links to my albums. He usually sees them
But I've blanket told him that Uhub is automatically allowed to use any of my photos. He doesn't need to ask.
I've posted a few photos from the marchers making their way through the South End on UHub Flickr page.
As have I
Shots from the Common.
Some interesting signs - and a few characters - Vermin Supreme warrants 2 of my 12 shots! Vermin for President!
I know.. I saw him.. I literally LOL'd at him... *shakes head*
If only I had press passes!
The closest I come is this sheet of paper that entitles me to bring my phone, laptop and a camera into Mass. courts.
I appreciate the offer of help! In general, Boston and Mass. seem to be relatively lenient in terms of who gets into "official" events (I've been to several press conferences at BPD headquarters and I've never been asked to prove I'm a reporter or anything, I just say "here for the press conference" and then walk through their metal detector). It's more the non-governmental stuff (like, say, groundbreaking for downtown condo buildings) where they keep a list. If you're interested, we could talk.
Excellent choice! Hitting
Excellent choice! Hitting people on the head with a DSLR camera should be much more effective than whacking them with an iPhone.
Luckily it didn't come to that today. But Mom will be proud that I think ahead!
Stay Safe
Thanks for the reporting. Please stay safe.
He'll be safe if he dresses correctly.
No American flags, or whatever:
"jessweiss1" tweets: Wow.Protestors surround two men in Trump gear and scream profanities, tell them to get the f*^% out of Boston. I asked one why he's here:
12:45pm gets wild. @realDonaldTrump supporters getting hit with water bottles, glitter, spray paint. Boston, we're better than this. Common!
NBC: https://twitter.com/choenbcboston/status/898957260...
Antifa scumbags in action:
Anchor/Reporter @WBUR.
"Lots of adult language in this one. Crowd circled around a man in a MAGA hat.
Tell me again what free speech is all about...you're all full of shit.
This was the last group of Free Speechers on the Common, in the spring...back before the ctrl-left decided to alter the deal...
You are such a tiresome twat
I had friends there who had large US flags with them.
Go back to Mom's basement ... I think that she's calling you.
You are such a tiresome twat
No, you're worse than that you fucking know it all/nothing...don't like the links? Fuck you, they are real and can't be denied.
As far as Mom's basement, fuck off douchebag.
Got any proof that this is really someone related to you? Easy enough to find things on the internet. Especially when one is fond of "proving" points with shitpost links.
Hey, look - it's my grandma!

To be fair, her sister may be in that picture since she worked day shift, but I don't know for sure.
No surprise...
coming from you. Lightweight know everything/nothing.
That's my mother.
Oh Dear,
Aren't you playing into their hands by giving them the attention they crave? Just ignore them, and they'll go away, right? Right?
How many arrests?
Jes' askin'...
Per BPD. And now a request, please review the video footage of the "Jews will not replace us" chanters from Charlottesville, and clarify which ones are "very fine people"? Thx
Boston. Please try to stay current.
Thanks for the picture
It'll make ID'ing these fuck easier.
Freedom of speech is freedom from government. Not freedom from consequences you stupid shithead.
Or just what are you going to do...
...when you ID them.
Or me, for that matter. Go ahead, dox me. C'mon over. We'll have a beer and talk about it intelligently.
Fuck off, I posted links. Read them or not. Consequences? I'll play that game.
First of all- remove the
First of all- remove the JoeySalads link. He admits it wasn't from Boston- check the date if nothing else.
Second, for the guy in the hat. I was there, i saw it. Gee he was shouted at. Not hit with a bat, not run over. Kudos for the PD diving in to rescue him, but wandering through the crowd in that hat could have been much worse.
Look at this nice picture of a wonderful group of young people!
They're having a good time on their day off. Got an accordian and everything?
Now then, what's all this overreaction I hear about Auschwitz? Pshaw ... like these nice people would have had anything to do with that!
...are fucking losing it...
Stay safe, Adam and everyone
Stay safe, Adam and everyone going.
For all of you concerned about free speech
"Nazis Can Suck My Trans Dick"-
sign carried by counter-protester, as pictured on Adam's twitter feed.
You're welcome.
Just wondering
if people think that those who are going to this rally on the Common are expected to just cause mayhem on their own? I don't agree with neo-nazi or white supremist rhetoric but wouldn't those people just listen to their speakers and then go home afterwards? I'm afraid the counter-protesters will just goad the rally goers until fights break out.
Not warranted
A few shitheads we're given a time out by BPD, but everyone lazily meandered home or to go find a place for dinner.
The atmosphere was lively and joyful. Lot of smiles going around, if we're not counting those on the bandstand.
Adam, will you be reporting
Adam, will you be reporting from both sides of the protest in order to cover both sides of the story? Or are you going to stay on the counter protest.
Not possible
Media were not allowed inside of the barricades by BPD, so were too far from the bandstand to hear any of the demonstration program.
Twtter, is that the mobile
Twtter, is that the mobile version of Twitter?
Stay safe out there Adam.
I'm hoping the principle of overwhelming force applies and everyone will be on their best behavior.
Did it start yet?
Judging by a photo of the bandstand, t looks like Walsh goofed by closing everything down.
MoMs basement
Apparently Nazis don't crawl out of their parents basement till noon now a days. Five awkward white dudes and a few tated losers, one wearing a Tom Brady Jersey, cause you got to dress to impress!
Meanwhile 10,000 people of all walks of life counter protesting.
ANTIFA? There's 30 of them. They're handing out fish crackers and water to people and chanting a bit. This is what Nazis are scared of? Then, we got this.
Overreaction by Walsh.
Money flushed down the toilet. At least he secured the vote of the police union $$$. Sorry tourists and families and vendors and anyone else inconvenienced by closing everything down.
Wouldn't be so sure about that
Boston is a short train or bus or car ride from a substantial percentage of the US population. They sent the message that the Nazi tripe could have their little "free speech" pity party in their little safe space (courtesy of 5,000 MSP troopers - thank you) but they weren't going to be pouring flammables on ministers, running people out of synagogues, and driving cars into crowds like ISIS terrorists.
It could have been worse
BPD was practically cavity searching every white nationalist before they were allowed into their free speech safe space. Nazis and the KKK left them on the hook, since you need a gun to be a real man.
Even then I'm not sure they'd show knowing the sleeping giant they bit. Plus the next round of welfare checks hasn't been cashed yet.
Who requested the massive
Who requested the massive amount of security?
Perfect reaction by Walsh.
BPD nabbed a couple Nazis wearing bullet-proof vests and packing a gun.
Narrative collapse alert!
You have a press pass and can perhaps answer this. Were the police not allowing press to go up to the bandstand? Or did the press just avoid it on their own?
I don't have a press pass
The cops wouldn't know me from, well, me, and I didn't make any attempt to get closer to the bandstand.
Are you packing heat?
I've uploaded my photos to Flickr.. they can be seen by clicking here
but here's a few highlights from today:
I saw another cake bearing counter-protester, but didn't get a chance to see the cake message. I guess this is a thing now?
Do you get it?
Do you understand what it means?
Its a reference to Tina Fey's bit on SNL Weekend Update a few days ago....
Oh, that
Thanks. I love TF, and most of that routine was hilarious, but obv disagree bigtime with the "stay home" part.
Let them eat cake!
Actually, I was thinking something more like "at the end of the march there will be cake".
BPD officers: "They're throwing bottles at us, throwing rocks"
Listening to BPD Citywide 1 radio channel (460.500) is something out of Orwell's 1984. I encourage everyone to tune in live and the media to play the tapes from this afternoon. Very sad.
African American Boston police officers are screaming for help on their radios as they are pelted with rocks and bottles filled with urine by whites supporting Black Lives Matter. You can't make it up. As the media tells us the protest is over and was "peaceful," every prisoner transport wagon in the city is still either rushing for Tremont at 4pm or headed to district stations all over the city to spread out the prisoner load. They are taking prisoners from the Common as far as Brighton D-14. This is four hours after the "Free Speech" group was escorted out, so it's not them.
As expected, this was mostly a reunion for the Occupy / Anarchy crowd. Evans needs to come out to explain that. To the officer whose body-cam was ripped from his uniform shirt during the bedlam, the camera was found and turned into B-2. For those transported by ambulance, I hope for the best.
I'm an active duty BPD
I'm an active duty BPD officer who disagrees with about 99% of what this guy Fish says, but he's actually correct here.
I hate Trump (really HATE), but we were attacked by what I can only assume is the ANTIFA. The Left NEEDS to come out against these anarachsists who hijack these protests.
There is no way we can call this a "peaceful protest" anymore. We failed. Boston had the opportunity today to show the world that Nazi racist scum will not be tolerated by peacefully drowning out their hate-filled message. Instead, we police were assaulted with rocks and urine.
I'm a minority and I took an oath to defend this city, but not to have piss poured on me. That's fucking gross. This is sad.
I'm sorry
If that did happen, and hopefully you guys did catch the trouble makes who should be arrested and booked for assault.
If it happened, it's hard to know with all the Anon and shit posting who is legit and who is propagating propaganda. There's already a report in another thread saying that ANTIFA wasn't the ones throwing anything and that BPD got the wrong guys.
Earlier in the day I saw a BLM protestor almost come to blows with some ... Anarchists? They weren't Trumpistas but they were making it known they weren't with anyone else either and they weren't up to any good trying to get rises out of people.
Didn't experience this
I marched with tens of thousands of people from Reggie Lewis Center to Boston Common today for three hours and didn't experience anything like what you are saying here. We arrived at the Common around 1 pm and left at 1:30 pm so I understand we experienced only one aspect of today's events, but I'm distressed when I hear people who weren't there saying "this was a reunion for the anarchy crowd." No, it wasn't, there were thousands of families, elderly, young people, old people, diverse people -- and yes, some young people with bandanas over their faces, but I didn't witness one negative act over 3 hours. I thanked every police officer I saw, and so did others around me. I heard this sort of thing on WBUR today when I got home, too -- people who weren't there making sweeping statements about the event. Making up a narrative doesn't make it true. And listening to a police scanner doesn't paint the whole picture. These dueling realities are hard to bridge, but I know what I saw and experienced today.
That was my experience too
I was there from maybe 9:30 until 2 or 2:30, also part of the group that marched from the Reggie Lewis Center to the Common. It's sad that it sounds like there were incidents like that here and there, but everything I personally saw was just thousands of people of all different kinds reacting peacefully and positively.
"You can't make it up."
(Goes on to make up a post-nuclear dystopian Boston.)
You need mental help, Fish.
Fox News is focusing on
Fox News is focusing on counterprotesters behaving badly
Is there any video of rally people behaving badly?
Fake News
All the local news stations as well as CNN also concentrated on protsters behaving badly, all day repeatedly mentioning "tense situations in Boston". Did you expect otherwise? Fake news at it's finest. Reminds me of when there is a snowstorm predicted that doesn't come and the news is still out there acting like there is a storm. They'll do it every time.
You don't "hope for the best".
Ever, for anyone. Not even for yourself, I bet. I know your type too well.
Classic Fish rot
Arrests, as reported by BPD, were 27 out of a crowd of 40,000 + - represents less that .07 of 1% of the participants - we don't even know what the breakdown is according participant breakdown. Hell we have seen that many arrests after a Monday football game between the Pats and the Jets.
I am waiting for BPD to report on the veracity of Fish's account. Meantime another "anon" goes on line and gives a testimonial to the carnage he experienced. If it's true, pick up the phone, call a credible news outlet, go on air and describe the facts.
Prisoner transport vehicles rushing to the city from all points in Boston - pluleessse!
If it happened, the public should know so we can condemn the actors. Anyone can say they are a cop - as we have to deal with "tiny hands" Fish on a recurring basis.
BPD cop here again.
BPD cop here again.
Officers aren't allowed to talk to the media. It's in the Rules and Regs which are easily found online.
Also, the BPD confirmed the rock and urine incidents on their twitter, which can also easily be found online.
None of you there could
None of you there could actually hear what was being said, right?
No, because they didn't say
No, because they didn't say anything. They packed it in and left with their tails between their legs without any of the speakers ever actually speaking.
The closest they came to saying anything ...
Was near the end of their time on the bandstand, when some guy in a suit started shoving his open hands at the crowd, which some people thought meant he was telling people to back off and some people thought meant they'd start in ten minutes.
Then they turned inward, as if in a little prayer circle. Some women left. And a few minutes later, the men left.
I didn't want to post this.. but I was tagged in a video of what was said in that "free speech" rally on twitter
And of course, it was said by none other than Shiva Ayyadurai who is running against Elizabeth Warren in 2018.
ugh pains me to post or to even watch it..
And for anybody who isn't
And for anybody who isn't familiar with who that Shiva guy is, he's the one who falsely claims to have invented email and sues anybody who points it that he didn't (including Gawker, who he sued with Peter Thiel's money). He is a chud.