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But did they hire Atlas Movers?
By adamg on Fri, 03/23/2018 - 7:44pm

Mitchell was on hand today when workers began moving the 25-ton globe at Babson College to a new location for a year's worth of repairs in time to make it spin again for the college's 100th anniversary.
Free tagging:
Did the earth move?
Did the earth move?
This is a job
For superman
Has a new ice age begun?
It appears that most of the northern half of Europe is covered with ice. What gives?
It snowed.
It snowed.
They oughtts move it to...
...the open space next to the Christian Science Center, creating the perfecta of Globe + Mapparium.
They are hiding that thing from
John Bolton.
Read "John Bolton"
but comprehended "Michael Bolton" and was even more scared at the thought.
Indy Jones
Reminds me of Indiana Jones being almost flattened by a large rolling rock in one of his movies!
Interestingly, Atlas
Interestingly, Atlas supported the heavens.