Skater boys beat handicapped man with his own cane at Mass. Ave. T stop, police say
By adamg on Thu, 10/17/2019 - 4:30pm

Transit Police report they are looking for four men for an attack at the Massachusetts Avenue Orange Line station around 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 4.
Police say the four got into some sort of disagreement with a man who walks with the aid of a cane and that one of them took the cane and beat the man with him. When he tried to take their pictures, they smashed his phone, police say.
When caught, they will face charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and malicious destruction of property, police say.
If any of them look familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050 or send an anonymous text tip to 873873.
Free tagging:
7:30 at Mass. Ave and nobody steamrolled these losers?
How they walked away intact is beyond me. Not one of them looks like they could fight there way out of a paper bag. Gawd I can't wait for Karma to do its job.
Not surprising
Its called the bystander effect...
bystander effect? no it's called being a weak coward
If someone sees 4 skinny morons beating an old man with a cane and do nothing then they are weak coward. period.
Good luck walking after
Good luck walking after trying to "steamroll" four kids who are obviously insane enough to do something like, say, beat a man with his own cane and then smash his phone. Four kids holding dangerous weapons, which when handled by an expert (and not sure if these "skateboarders" would qualify as experts on handling skateboards or anything) can seriously injure someone. Now add three guys to that one guy, and replace "beating a man with his own cane" with "beating your drunk loser boomer ass with skateboards".
Every damn one of you that talk like this on the internet can't fight, never mind "steamroll" someone. Just shut up you sound like a dweeb. You would have done jack and shit.
I actually know one of the
I actually know one of the skaters, and they beat up the man because he’s racist. He initiated it calling them something along the lines of ghetto and saying blacks and black culture are bad and inferior. They ultimately didn’t face charges because it fell under self defense after it escalated further. This article came out a while ago not sure if you’ll see this, but was just looking back to find what reporting was done on it. Thanks for your time!
Kitty Genovese
The New York Times largely retracted their reporting on that, you know.
Its called waiting for security but security never shows
Baker and Pollack made deep cuts to the T; in places nobody looks
Pass it on to someone helpful?
"If any of them look familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050 or send an anonymous text tip to 873873."
Men?? Hardly
What is this, Juvenile Delinquent Week in Boston?
Incels run amok
That guy who looks like Zuckerberg but even less attractive has MRA written all of his face.
My god--what the fuck is wrong with these people?!?
The guys who beat a handicapped man with his own cane for nothing are really yellow cowards underneath. I'm sure that if anybody challenged any one of them to a fight, or came up to one or more of these monsters and attacked them on the street, they'd be shaking in their shoes. Here's hoping the guys who physically assaulted and beat up the handicapped guy with his own cane meet their match--and that whoever they meet up with absolutely wipes the floor up with them. That would serve them right.
Is it possible the blonde is ...
Phillip McKeon (yup, Nancy's brother) from when he was in Alice?
Tuesday 3-4PM Quincy Center
Skateboarding by city hall and the courthouse. I believe I saw 3 of them. In particular the dude with the blond hair.
Okay. Tell the police unless
Okay. Tell the police unless you think Adam is going to go out there and investigate this.
In front of the old City Hall. Not courthouse.
Call or text
"If any of them look familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050 or send an anonymous text tip to 873873."
Honestly, this seems to go against the grain of personality types who street skateboard.
Very very disappointing.
I hope recovery for the victim is swift.
"personality types"
its almost as if judging people by the way they look or what they do isn't a reflection of who they really are
"And that's one to grow on."
It's called a subculture.
It's called a subculture.
There are often learned rules of behavior in those subcultures.
Perhaps a little of the ol' ultraviolet cell persists despite my experience.
They look like a shitty band
The bleached blonde plays drums, and Jr. Zuckerfuck plays bass.
I judge them for attacking
I judge them for attacking one guy with crutches when they are a group of 4 kids.
They obviously have deep problems with self esteem manifesting in cowardice
A couple of weeks ago a disabled man was beaten at Ashmont I know one of the attackers were arrested but several others involved managed to leave the scene. Now we have another cowardly attack by skatepunks. Where is the outrage from the political leadership in this city.
What would outrage accomplish?
You say "outrage" as if politicians standing up at podiums declaiming produces results. Got evidence?
When will the white community
When will the white community take a stand against this kind of violence in their city???
Hopefully once they are
Hopefully once they are apprehended, a judge says "see you later boys".
check Lynch Skatepark
check Lynch Skatepark
I know these kids names and have seen them from time to time and they don’t seem like the kids to do this type of thing. There had to be some way the man was instigating them or taunting and after watching the video of the incident the man had crutches and was totally capable of walking without them when he was trying to fight back. Not saying this is right or anything because it’s not but there are always 2 sides to the story. Try not to believe every detail of everything you hear it’s crazy how gullible people are haha.
What video are you watching?
What video are you watching? There isn't a video posted here.
And FYI, most people on crutches who have hurt their foot often have a cast or a boot on to stabilize the injury, so they don't 100% need crutches to take every step, it's just to keep the weight off generally.
Totally blown out of
Totally blown out of proportion. My son was one of them and he filmed the whole incident of the guy instigating a fight and one child, and I mean child from California 16 years old was the one that hit him with his cane. Police refused to charge the other three after the actual footage surfaced. My son is heard saying enough enough dude let him be let him be