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Screaming racist, homophobic white guy in the Jamaica Plain post office today

Kendra Hicks reports on an incident today in the JP post office involving the neighborhood's notorious angry screaming bicyclist finding himself on foot and inside:

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Of the non-efficacy of police officers.

It's not that they suck in this case per se, but this is a great argument for defunding, because it can be sold logically and without malice. Of course, I'm not confident that pro-cop types will recognize or acknowledge the logic, and will instead interpret this as an attack on the profession, and not as the economic argument that it is.

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Was anybody injured?
Was anybody at imminent risk of injury?
Was any property destroyed?

Did this actually require an urgent police response?

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Yeah, he was probably at risk of getting put on his ass rather forcefully, so, yeah, imminent risk of injury.

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Hey smarty-pants. When you dial 911, they come. The police’s job is to show up ASAP and investigate!

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When you dial 911, they come. The police’s job is to show up ASAP and investigate!

Sort of a digression, but, actually, the dispatcher’s job is to determine what kind of response is warranted, and dispatch accordingly. The police most certainly don’t show up for every call. They get a number of calls like, “the queen of England is using 5G to control my dog,” or “McDonald’s served me cold food”

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I feel like “re-allocate” is a better path. It might not be a great analogy but...

Imagine a hospital (pre-COVID) where all you have is MD’s and no RN’s. The MD’s are qualified to handle pretty much any situation, but they’re paid at a higher rate, so the hospital can only afford many, and so they’re always working overtime and getting burned out. Patients turn into the enemy, to some degree.

If there’s a code blue - MD handles it. If someone needs help getting to the bathroom - MD handles it. If someone falls and you have to figure out if they just need to be helped to their feet or if they hit their head or broke a bone or if it’s a sign of a major condition - MD handles it.

From the outside, looking in, I feel like the police department is roughly organized like this - police getting called for everything from “bouncer” to “crossing guard” to “hostage situation”. Of course the response will be slow in some situations. Of course they’re going to look “at the usual suspects” first. I feel like there’s room for improvement if we could add some tiers.

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Post office is federal property, right? - I thought this would maybe be a MSP job at least, given how Balkanized our policing fiefdoms are here.

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Their is a police station half a mile away yet they couldn’t get their in 15 minutes. Useless.

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That's...not how that works.

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It’s there not their.

- a Boston Cop

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I had no idea that there actually are grammar police working for the BPD.

(I know, it's spelling, not grammar.)

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But check grammar and make veiled threats to people on Uhub by repeatedly saying "Oh, yeah? Come have coffee with me and we can talk."

He's a goofy thug who should be mocked then ignored.

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I believe the word you're looking for is "there"

And, proximity to a police station is a stupid metric -- it's not like there are cops sitting in the lobby waiting to be dispatched -- they're all out on patrol.

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I suspect that if the initial part of the confrontation was inside the post office building and not active physical violence, they weren't calling BPD = they would have been calling Postal Police.
BPD wouldn't intercede inside federal turf unless there was an active life-threatening situation.

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There, there. It’s going to be okay.

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Involve a murder?

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thankfully the cops couldn’t make it to the party, but you’re right.

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The Cooperstown voters have spoken

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I see it.

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JP was pretty lively on the day they called Biden the winner, and my family and I were waiting to pick up our order from Fiore's and a guy came up, threw down his bike and pushed pass us, asked for the manager, PUSHED PAST the tables barrier and walked to the side of the counting asking the owner loudly "What did you say to me? What did you say to me on the street out there 2 hours ago?" shouting and maskless. The manage told him to calm down, that he was just shouting Yay! Yay! and the guy finally left.

It was really odd and the fact he pushed through a few social distanced groups, pushed past my wife and kid and I and the person working AND the barrier and had no mask makes me think it is the same guy. He could be mentally ill, but maybe that's just me.

Just because a dude has a bike doesn't mean he isn't unwell - when I lived in Santa Monica, you saw these homeless or unstable folks with Louis Vutton luggage waiting at the bus stop staring into space for the entire day.

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"Angry JP Bike Guy" has been a recurring harasser since the start of the pandemic.

Thanks to Adam's coverage of What Matters (tm), the community knows that this person has a recurring pattern and initially all the reports, mostly in the JP Facebook group were of him biking by people wearing masks and berating them. Then during BLM protests the confrontations escalated against groups of people. Now with these indoor confrontations this seems like another escalation.

Apparently there are folks who know who this person is. At this point the public harassment seems to have crossed the line to various acts that actually are criminal offenses. I'm not saying police are the best way to intervene in this situation but after someone has been threatening people for a year now is moving into physical altercations on government and private property, it's clear this is an escalating pattern of violence that needs to be interrupted.

So yeah, we know the problem isn't the bike.



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Perhaps this a case of escalating mental illness?

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Most likely this individual is mentally ill and in need of help.
Sad Kendra woman who wants to be elected to civil office can't get past her bias, or lacks the ability to discern the guy might not be ill.

Wasn't the big push to defund the police just for this very reason? To not have police intervene in mental health crisis?
If he is notorious he is "known" and the response of ONE to these calls is based on history of aggression risk. So no rush, you can't arrest away addiction or psychotic features.

Where is the phalanx of Social Workers demanded by the City Council to respond to super annoying loud mean hateful individuals experiencing mental health crisis?

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The community needs to see this.

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Yet no one videoed the encounter?

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What makes you say that?

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