Somebody thought it would be fun to screw with housing-project residents, the homeless and the Wu campaign in South Boston today

One of the bogus fliers.
At 11 a.m. today, Michelle Wu was scheduled to hold a climate-focused campaign appearance at Moakley Park with, among others, US Senator Ed Markey.
Before the event started, though, about 20 people came up to organizers asking for their signs so they could earn their $100 gift cards.
There were no gift cards.
There were, however, fliers that were distributed at Mass and Cass and at Old Colony making a bogus offer of gift cards. The Wu campaign says it didn't distribute the fliers, but that it sent somebody over to Dunkin' Donuts to buy some sandwiches for anybody who was hungry and who showed up with one of the fliers.
Politico reports the Essaibi George campaign disavowed any knowledge of the fliers; the candidate herself decried them as "heartless behavior.
Here's hoping ...
That whoever did this ends up losing their home to climate change. They would really deserve it.
So, you meet heartlessness with heartlessness.
Sure thing String Em Up Swirlurabi.
Glad to see Ms. Why Bother With Even Having The 8th Amendment is in full swing this eve.
Mr Intensive Bilespewer farts something about compassion?
(swipes chip off bilespewer's shoulder)
"So, you meet heartlessness
"So, you meet heartlessness with heartlessness."
Hey genius
Hey genius, if that happened all the people living in the project would also be homeless.
Wow - Assault and Battery
Let alone is Swirl The Impaler calling for people to be homeless, she wrote about assaulting me.
It's a beautiful morning when one rightfully questions someone's calling for the destruction of property and that person then writes about assaulting you.
Do you need directions to the Holy Name Rotary? You might fit in with some of the types there for the next anger rally.
What a fragile little snowflake you are....
She talks about swiping a metaphorical chip off your shoulder and you're trying to distort that into writing about assaulting you? That is an impressive level of intellectual dishonesty even for you.
(I just hope it's intellectual dishonestly and not a sincerely held belief, because that's much more disturbing)
If I had said it you would have (Like you have in the past) said to ban me.
Go lie down in your pumpkin patch and also ruminate on your repeated hypocrisy.
You're a liar.
You are without a doubt the most toxic person on this site, by an order of magnitude. Go seek professional help. You are truly damaged.
Thanks for Proving My Point
Keep it up farmer.
Want to revise your statement about banning?
I'll take that apology now.
Your hate is amazing on so many levels.
not the same
LBB said you should be banned for being toxic, not for removing a chip from someone else's shoulder. In that thread, toxic was measured by the brigading and multiple insults. I remember one case of you inviting someone to meet you for an assault but the comments were deleted. I would agree that you have a needless chip on your shoulder. Everything is not about you.
A suggestion
I sense that you are seriously in need of exposure to fresh air and direct sunlight. I’d suggest devoting some time this afternoon to stepping away from the keyboard and getting outdoors.
Deleting duplicate posting
I'm sorry I won't be able to respond. I need to go buy a replacement for my busted irony meter.
The fact that people in the
The fact that people in the Twitter replies are already accusing the Wu campaign of doing this as a false flag or the AEG campaign of doing this is absolutely ludicrous
Bring some of the signs to
Bring some of the signs to the election authority or the police. There's forensics potential.
forget the signs
there are tons of security cameras in the condos that butt up against the projects.
Cops could knock on a couple doors and get a description of the person(s) in a few hours.
(personally, I'd just head in the general direction of Tom English's but that's just me).
But that ain't gonna happen because Cops aren't voting for Wu.
(Insert Here)
(Clip of Jeff Lebowski asking the cops if they have any leads with cop laughing).
The BPD doesn't have a murder clearance rate that would leave a few detectives available to catch those using a political trick which has been going on in various fashions for centuries.
PS - Stop watching CSI shows. It shows you are stupid.
Standing guard
"We can't guard potholes and Democracy simultaneously. Democracy will have to wait."
Now imagine what these and
Now imagine what these and many more people will feel when they show up at MBTA stations expecting a free trip after November.
your cynicism is boring
could it be that free trips won’t last because so few people can imagine a life that differs from the status quo? and the few that can get written off as climbers who talk down to regular folk.
“FJB” at the bottom
Google tells me that this stands for “F**k Joe Biden” in Trumpian discourse. Beyond that, some decent skills employed here to make this flyer seem seem legit-no typos, appropriation of the campaign typeface and giftcard image.
What a lousy thing to do (no matter their motivation) to raise hope of hungry people and play a such a dirty trick
The chaos some idiot with a
The chaos some idiot with a printer can cause. They have the Wu campaign calling out AEG, the AEG people accusing the Wu campaign of making stuff up. People on both sides throwing fruit at each other.
This does not benefit anybody. It does not have legs to get to most voters. It was done to taunt and humiliate everyone involved.
Looking at all the Tweets and then comments here, Mission Accomplished.
I'm sure AEG's people had
I'm sure AEG's people had nothing to do with this - it's too easy to backfire and legitimately a cruel and stupid thing to do - but I would really like, at this point, to see her start to call these people out. Clearly she has supporters who think this shit is okay - people who maybe are from the Trump Train (FJB is a clear indicator of which camp this person came from) but aren't ready to vote for the absolute unhinged idiocy the MA republican party always fronts. She needs to get up and tell these people they aren't with her, to stay home and not vote for her, etc. Tacitly ignoring the actual population of people doing this shit and just condemning the individual flyers is the wink-wink-nudge shit certain right wingers have been doing for years and this is why people believe her shit like the Fake Accent and such is a dog-whistle. If you're happy having dogs all over your house, it's way more likely you own a whistle for them.
losing narrative
When a campaign is behind they all ways spread the rumor that that the opposing side pays its "volunteers", but I've never seen this trick pulled before.
Always and never before in
Always and never before in the same sentence? Are you part of the new guard?
what I meant
Is that I have heard campaigns say this, but I have never seen anyone hand out a flyer like this for sabotage.