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After 20 years, Frasier Crane leaves Seattle and moves back to Boston
By adamg on Tue, 08/22/2023 - 1:48pm

It's true. Take a look at the (presumably pre-WGA/SAG strike) trailer:
Of course, things change: He shacks up with Lillith in a chic condo in the Charlestown Navy Yard. And he becomes a mob boss:
H/t Ryan Grannan-Doll.
This is great. Hope me and
This is great. Hope me and the rest of the Cheers alum are asked to make appearances.
Interestingly ...
In today's lingo, "tossed salad" has an entirely different connotation than when Frazier originally started.
What Are You 11?
Not getting any lately?
You are and have been spitting out more pre-teen sexual innuendo than horny boys at a summer camp.
Pre-teen sexual inuendo?
Well, if there's a singular denomination that's highly attuned to... nope, I'm not going there...
Oh, but he so wants you to!
He may let Magoo loose on you, if you deny him.
What are you then?
An abelist that belittles anxiety and mental health?
Also I'm having trouble with the inconsistencies here:
On the one hand you say what two consenting adults do behind closed doors is fine and you admonish Friar for their joke being juvenile. But then you go ahead and make a low-effort comment about not getting any.
You continue to be beyond parody hahahaha
You have him confused …
…. with your pals in the Catholic Church, you altar boy, you.
that connotation absolutely existed when Frazier originally started
Frasier sees "Cheers" in Quincy Market
and just says "no."
Except it's not even there
Except it's not even there anymore.
So it isn't.
Shows how often I go to flagrant tourist traps. :-(
How about a meta joke where
How about a meta joke where he's walking past the spot with Raz and mutters about how he used to really enjoy a tourist spot that used to be there
oh dear
The beer tap at the Bull & Finch has run dry.
We really need to get those writers back to work if this is what the networks think we want.....
(yeah yeah I know this was decided upon long before the strike but still... shows how stale ideas are in hollywood. maybe they should pay writers more to come up with better ideas than reboots of 20+ year old TV shows)
Full Disclosure: I am writing a reboot of a TV show myself at the moment (I am not a WGA member so this is just for funsies). Now I will go eat my shoe.
They don't pay for anything anymore
Amazon is paying tens of millions for first dibs on what folks are making, regardless of whether they actually make anything, so nothing is worth more than what most folks will make in their lifetimes these days.
The two best characters *the
The two best characters *the Dad and the dog* are probably both long gone. :(
Please reconsider: Niles is a
Please reconsider: Niles is a fantastic character!
I can't tell
Is this a joke?
The first trailer is real. The second, well ...
That's the dumbest thing I
That's the dumbest thing I have ever seen--but I bet it's a joke.
Apparently, this is legit
Hope he can …
… afford Boston now.
I'm surprised Grammer hasn't
I'm surprised Grammer hasn't tried to distribute/ peddle his beer up here- apparently only available in New Jersey & Upstate NY
Send the trump-loving
election denying racist homophobic piece of shit back to Seattle.