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Packers fan holds up South Boston bank

Boston Police tweet the Sovereign Bank branch at 474 W. Broadway was held up this afternoon by a 20-year-old white man, slim, 5'4" and wearing a Green Bay hat.

The bank was also held up in June. The Eastern Bank branch at 470 W. Broadway has been held up so often tellers are beginning to get a bit tired of it all.



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Now that's what I call a suburbanite.

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Adam, you should start tagging C6 in the map to show how ridiculous this really is. Also, if you have a chance can you get a comment why a bank 3-4 blocks from a police station is getting robbed once a month and what C6's plans are?

This is approaching Keystone Kops levels of herp derp by Southies finest.

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buy an ESP machine? Blaming the cops for junkie robbers is lame.

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This is main street Southie, 4 blocks from a well staffed precinct station that has 5-6 cruisers parked out front.

You don't see something wrong with that?

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maybe the banks should hire an armed security guard, the robberies are happening inside, not on the street.

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This is ridiculous. West Broadway banks are like The Town playing out in real-life, except no one is as good-looking.

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