Beverly man charged with throwing beer bottle at T worker at Haymarket
A Beverly man hurled a bottle of Rolling Rock at a T worker who wanted him to stop harassing other passengers last Thursday evening, Transit Police report.
John Reddy, 37, was arrested on a charge of Assault with a dangerous weapon.
According to police:
Upon arrival officers were met by the victim/MBTA employee who pointed out a male, later identified John Reddy, 37 of Beverley. The victim informed the officers his attention was drawn to Reddy due to other passengers complaining of being harassed by him. Upon approaching Reddy, Reddy threw a Rolling Rock beer bottle nearly striking the victim in the head. Reddy then shouted out that he would "Kill" the MBTA employee/victim. Officers also observed shattered glass strewn about the immediate area.
Innocent, etc.
to be fair
that man did find the best possible use for rolling rock
Rolling Rock...."33"
Rolling Rock...."33"
A Vietnamese beer?
Ba Mi Ba
But but but but MBTA
But but but but MBTA employees are all spoiled overpaid fatcats who never have to do any real work, let alone constantly deal with a surly and unreasonable public!!!!
alternate headline:
Haymakers at Haymarket: One man Reddy to Rock at MBTA station
possible sub-subheadline
Hear him roar!
Maybe THAT'S MBTA floor of
Maybe THAT'S MBTA floor of Haymarket is so dirty!
Forgot "why the". Oops. Add
Forgot "why the". Oops. Add North Station platform floors, too.
Sounds like a good guy