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T bus driver punched in the face in Allston
By adamg on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 12:49am
Around 12:30 a.m. at Brighton Avenue and Cambridge Street. The suspect was described as white, with dark, curly hair, wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. He had a bicycle with him and a black backpack.
Free tagging:
Bus driver beatings
Bus drivers get attacked and beaten on a daily basis, why doesn't their union demand better protection for them?
On a daily basis? Really?
Really? As in, MBTA bus drivers? Do you have a cite for that?
Is it not a law?
In NYC there are giant signs each door to each vehicle saying that assaulting an MTA employee is punishable with jail time. I've seen something similar in another city but forget which.
Now, not that signs are much of a deterrent to some people, but it does put it in the public consciousness that hitting a bus driver = jail time.
There are signs on buses that say that touching the driver is against the law & offenders will be punished.
I don't think anyone should be bothering bus drivers, but the way it's phrased ("Don't touch the driver.") cracks me up for some reason.
But these guys make SO MUCH
But these guys make SO MUCH MONEY for SO LITTLE WORK I mean AN IDIOT COULD DO IT don't they realize ANYONE CAN DRIVE it's essentially a MINIMUM WAGE MCJOB and they're all UNION HACKS and should be UNION BROKEN and paid NOTHING AT ALL for JUST DRIVING blah blah balh blah
Yeah, that almost makes one
Yeah, that almost makes one want to ...
you know.
Give 'em tasers
Problem solved.
Ejection module for the
Ejection module for the mobility ramp. ACME makes them.
I thought bicyclists were overall happier people than non-bicyclists?
Yeah yeah, i'm a trollin'/wise-assin'.
If he was a cyclist...
Then obviously the driver's face swerved into the cyclist's fist. No way the cyclist could be at fault.
Kind of like ...
Whining idiot trolls on the internet are always right.
I'd've said it to yer face, too.
Is a hot mess. It barely functions and costs a $fortune$ in subsidizes. And yes, I do use it by necessity to get to my job downtown. The other day it too me 2 hrs to get home from downtown, and I live inside city limits. Trains stop and go, stop and go, break down, and are packed like sardines. Buses are always packed, even off hours. A large percentage of T employees appear lethargic, many are not just fat but obese, no one appears to be in charge or responsible for anything, management, politicians are tone deaf to 'customers', etc.
I can only imagine what foreign visitors think when experience it after hearing how the U.S. is the greatest, most powerful and wealthiest country on earth. Reality is we are far closer to being a quasi-3rd world country like Brazil than many want to admit.
I'll say it again
If you disliked people and you knew it was almost impossible to get fired, would you try at your job?
End public unions.
Ah yes, another proponent of the Race to the Bottom! Yep - doing Hillary's work for her and her corporate masters by attacking other working people.
Sometimes other working people suck
And I attack them. Will LaTulippe is an Equal Opportunity Offender.
Wouldn't that be Trump's work I'm doing?
By going after unions? I honestly can't tell anymore. The "Republican" likes work unions, and the "Democrat" favors war and corporations.
Johnson/Weld 2016. Make America Sane Again.
Keep it classy, Will
What better way to comment on an article about a guy getting assaulted while doing his job (which happens frequently to those in his position) than by implying that his job is too cushy?
I see that whole "grasp on reality" thing is as firm as ever. You keep on doing you.
Oh no, bus drivers have it rough
I even endorsed the guy having a taser.
Why do people always blame the unions?
When they should be blaming the people who agree to the unions demands?
I never understood that.
Are you kidding?
I do that all the time too. It's the first thing I bring up when I rip Detroit. "Hey, let's pay these people a full year's salary each year for the last 25 years of their lives not to work!" It's called "dead money." We make fun of the Mets every year when they pay Bobby Bonilla a million dollars. Why don't we do that with cities?
So Can I Have Your Retirement Savings?
Since you clearly disdain retirement plans.
What the (expletive) does one have to do with the other?
Every nickel I have I made from either labor, cashing a horse ticket, or investment. I've never been paid a nickel from the public till to do literally nothing.
Where do you think the money
Where do you think the money for their pension funds came from? Elves?
Public employees pay into the
Public employees pay into the pension fund. I get docked on every single paycheck to feed into it. By the time I retire, assholes like you will probably have managed to shut down the system though so I doubt any of that money will ever come back to me. So I also contribute to the private 401k plan on top of it.
You wouldn't last a day in
Basis of comparison?
Please provide us with some actual stats and facts - they are useful for advancing these Trumpesque "THE SKY IS FALLING" arguments to those who don't live in constant fear in a fact vacuum.
Aside from the fact...
...that comedians, social commentators, and even egghead-professor types have been saying it for decades now, here is some light reading on the fact that the good old USA's infrastructure resembles India's more than it does Germany's:
Infrastructure, incarceration rate, poverty levels, percentage of population that are working class poor, education, healthcare. Just about every category you can imagine, we are lumped in with the countries that sew our clothes and build our gadgets. In greed and opulence, we are right up there with the most civilized societies and oligarchies, though. Keep dreamin' that dream though....
A large percentage of T
So now fat people can't be good workers? They're driving a vehicle not lifting boxes.