Well, that explains - myself, along with many others were waiting for it last night for over an hour. At around the 25 minute mark, the trolley could be seen from Ashmont at Cedar Grove but just stopped there. Hope the driver is OK, but the MBTA could have notified the 20+ of us that accumulated as to what was happening and arraigned a shuttle bus. Even the MBTA alert site had nothing on it. Eventually left and took a surging Lyft instead of waiting more than an hour (and past 1am).
Hope they catch the asshole though - there are a few cameras at Cedar Grove.
Dragged off a trolley and beaten badly. Does anyone know how the driver is doing? If I was a driver of a bus,trolley or train I would call in sick tomorrow night on Halloween.
Well, that explains - myself, along with many others were waiting for it last night for over an hour. At around the 25 minute mark, the trolley could be seen from Ashmont at Cedar Grove but just stopped there. Hope the driver is OK, but the MBTA could have notified the 20+ of us that accumulated as to what was happening and arraigned a shuttle bus. Even the MBTA alert site had nothing on it. Eventually left and took a surging Lyft instead of waiting more than an hour (and past 1am).
Hope they catch the asshole though - there are a few cameras at Cedar Grove.
Scary Situation
Dragged off a trolley and beaten badly. Does anyone know how the driver is doing? If I was a driver of a bus,trolley or train I would call in sick tomorrow night on Halloween.