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By adamg - 3/25/14 - 4:09 pm

Well, look at this, the MFA enjoys a good yarn bombing after all, so just never mind ...

By adamg - 3/3/14 - 5:56 pm
Giant baby head with giant baby hat

Roving UHub photographer Steve Chase photographed one of the giant baby heads at the MFA around noon yesterday, reports that by 2 p.m., the hat was already gone. He wonders: Who made it and who took it?

By Altamura - 3/3/14 - 5:08 pm

Saw this at the MFA yesterday around noon. Was gone when I left around 2. Anyone know the story?

By adamg - 12/19/13 - 8:28 am

XMAS Flash Mob @ the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

By See It All - 11/14/13 - 9:22 am

The short version- "John Singer Sargent Watercolors is a not-to-be-missed treasure for American art and painting lovers alike."

The full review- http://videntomnes.blogspot.com/2013/11/mfajohn-singer-sargent-watercolo...

By adamg - 10/13/13 - 10:19 am
Perhaps Contraption in Honk

Dan Meade took in Perhaps Contraption during Honk in Somerville yesterday.

Brian D'Amico listened to somebody playing a street piano outside the MFA the other day.

MFA Street Piano

Copyright Dan Meade and Brian D'Amico, respectively. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 7/5/13 - 3:09 pm

Around 2:45 p.m. Leslie Kinzel tweets:

Sirens, lights, placid announcer voice saying there's an emergency in the building, please exit.

Didn't last long. At 3:03, Dusto Masterson tweeted:

They've let us back in at the MFA. Guards are unsure of exact problem, but speculate something minor such as a kitchen fire.

By adamg - 4/16/13 - 11:17 am

Both the Museum of Fine Arts and the Institute of Contemporary Art are opening their doors at no charge today. The MFA says:

We hope the Museum will be a place of respite for our community.

The ICA says:

We hope the museum will offer a place of community & reflection.

By adamg - 2/24/13 - 8:42 am

John Carroll runs the numbers on an auction of art the MFA no longer wanted.

By adamg - 10/29/12 - 9:51 am

The museum is closed today, so they're delivering art online.

By adamg - 9/8/12 - 11:05 am

A revamped Koch Gallery opens today.

By adamg - 2/18/12 - 10:34 am

Matthew Wilding reports stumbling onto an exhibit by six contemporary Egyptian artists (one of whom died in Tahrir Square) at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.

I don’t know whether this exhibit was "good art" (though it's affiliation with the MFA infers it). I do know that it was incredibly effective. It was interesting and beautiful, and it made me relate to the core with people I very rarely find common ground with or think about.

By adamg - 1/20/12 - 10:45 am

Boston Daily totals up all the money spent on art-museum expansion in the Boston area over a decade, and comes up with a pretty large number.

By adamg - 10/30/11 - 9:36 pm

Eeka, who wants to be a tour guide when she grows up, is putting together a list of Boston's Giant Heads, from the Creepy Baby Heads outside the MFA to the Sphinxy Arthur Fiedler Head on the Esplanade.

By adamg - 10/7/11 - 12:54 pm

WBUR posts the naked truth about the local singer and an exhibit at the MFA - and how her husband got the guards to turn off the security cameras for a bit (hey, she doesn't go by the acronym AFP for nothing).

H/t Othemts.

By adamg - 9/16/11 - 7:31 am

Greg Cook takes a tour of the MFA's new Linde Family Wing for Contemporary Art, which has more gallery space than the ICA, says the MFA has found made "an elegant effort" to deal with its "deserved reputation for being slim in its contemporary art offerings and holdings."

By adamg - 6/17/11 - 9:56 am

Toilet art"Milk: Bathroom," by Elizabeth Alexander. Photo by Greg Cook.

The other night, a bunch of local artists snuck into a pair of restrooms at the MFA and set up an impromptu gallery - in homage to a similar stunt 40 years ago at the museum. Greg Cook reports MFA guards were not amused:

At least three gentlemen from MFA security arrived as Cook spoke to the crowd packed into the hall outside the men's and women's rooms off a stairway down from the MFA's new Shapiro Family Courtyard. They generously let him say his piece, then as artists and audience moved along, MFA staff removed from the bathroom walls all the art by the participating artists.

More artOnto the next gallery. Part of a set by tbobtubb.

Cook's photo used by permission. Tbobtubb's posted under this Creative Commons license and tagged as universalhub on Flickr.

By adamg - 3/11/11 - 10:51 am
Art being restored

Historygradguy watched a restorer at work on a recent visit to the MFA.

Copyright Historygradguy. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 2/21/11 - 6:43 pm


Historygradguy ambled around the MFA today.

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