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Anonymous vs Scientology - Episode 3, this Saturday

The internet phenomenon known as 'Anonymous' will conduct its third monthly protest against the 'Church' of Scientology this Saturday, April 12.

This month's event is called Operation Reconnect, focusing on Scientology's policy of forcibly "disconnecting" family members who leave the organization from those who remain in it.

The event will start at 11 am in front of the Scientology building at 448 Beacon Street (corner of Hereford) in Back Bay. Around 1:30, protesters will begin walking to the Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common, where there will be a rally with speeches by former Scientologists.

For more information:

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Ron we so infrequently agree over in the b0st0n community in ElJays land, but I want to say how much I appreciate and respect your coverage of this issue.

We are winning. But this is going to be a long war.

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I once answered a questionnaire by the Church of Scientology on Boylston Street and subsequently read a book they gave me. When I finished the book, I realized the science fiction aspect of the religious beliefs could be quite compelling because they offer an answer to problems everyone faces in life. I also realized they were out of their freecking minds. Still the solutions were vaguely tempting. I see how they attract a following.

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or at least that was my conclusion when I used to see many Scientologists on Boylston Street in the 1970s handing out leaflets. All of them smoked cigarettes. So much for being anti-drug!

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... Scientology's true, robust solutions to basic personal problems are a "hook," which is a standard tactic of disinformation. Ultimately, it is quite clear that they are about serving self, not others, because of their hierarchy of control, obsession with money, and nasty retributions against whistle blowers. Pretty much like any government.

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The Church of Scientology was not sitting down on this one. There were reports of lots of photos being taken by cult members, of people being followed until they took their masks off, of license plate numbers of cars people got into being written down...

You have to remember that this is a group which single-handedly strong-armed the IRS into giving them their non-profit status back, mostly by harassing the shit out of IRS agents and their families. It always involved private investigators.

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All of this animosity towards The Church could be a result of poor personality evaluations. It is not too late to join us.

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Don't you think it's funny that Tom Cruise had a meeting with Scooter Libby to see if Scooter could apply diplomatic pressure to Germany to rescind German laws that make Scientology illegal? Germany also outlawed the Nazi party. "The Church" keeps good company. Yea, I know it's all a big misunderstanding.

Don't get me wrong. I think what you guys do is great and its a free country but... "The Church"?

I fail to see how its a church.

Most church's do not recruit using personality surveys. It's kind of manipulative and exploitive, don't you think?

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Judging from you massive amounts of smug, sarcastic vitriol you spew, you would be well served to look into what The Church has to offer.

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How does Scientology help smug, sarcastically vitriolic people, (he asked without agreeing with the judgmental dig on Swirlyg.)

Does it help with judgmental digs too? Oh apparently not.

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I'm a scientist. You don't like my type. I don't have much use for most if not all religions, let alone synthetic ones based on pseudopsychology and specifically designed to audit and drive the money away from your bank account.

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Are you implying thetan4 is a mark in a con game?

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just posting this stuff to see what reaction it gets from us.

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... and you can draw your own conclusions about the history, mission, and activities of thetan4's chosen religion.

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massive amounts of smug

I didn't know smug came in measurable quantities. This guy must be a scient-olog-ist

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After all, doesn't Adam own a Pious?

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...would you please STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS

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C'mon Brett 2:30 AM is too late to complain about troll-baiting and please, leave christalmighty out of it.

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Or a belief in the inherent dignity and worth of all people, which is exactly what Scientology systematically robs from every one of its members.

So long as Scientology continues its pattern of exploitation and abuse there will always be people fighting it.

We are fighting for you. Your freedom. Your dignity. Your inalienable rights as human beings and as Americans. I feel for you and love you.

But it is a testament to the total domination this twisted cult enjoys over its members that you cannot see what we are trying to do for you.

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