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Legislature to debate repeal of 1913 law used to prevent miscegenation and, later, non-resident gay marriage
By adamg on Wed, 07/09/2008 - 3:40pm
Bay Windows has the scoop on the effort to repeal the law, which Mitt Romney used to block non-Massachusetts gays and lesbians from marrying in Massachusetts - decades after it was originally passed to prevent blacks and whites from out of state from marrying here.
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I'd think that the DNC would
I'd think that the DNC would really prefer that this matter be deferred until after upcoming Presidential election.
Yes, indeed, yes
This is so long overdue. I thought our entire legislature had a collective lack of guts. This was the lowest of low-hanging fruit that Deval Patrick should have had plucked when he arrived. We have no business keeping such overt discrimination, and unilateral and unique restrictions.
Trash 'em!
P.S. It's actually a set of four related laws -- Chapter 207, Sections 11, 12, 13 and 50.
Oh good
Newscasters are projecting California could make millions from tourists coming to the state for same-sex marriages
So why make East Coast couples travel all the way to California for their weddings when Massachusetts could be raking in a little of that money for the commonwealth?