Bill Simmons becomes tiresome
Rob refutes Bill Simmons on the issue of Manny Ramirez:
... Just to put a few facts out there: Manny Ramirez is a grown man. He's a goofy bastard, but he's no child. He hired Scott Boras, not the other way around. And as much influence as Boras may have wielded, it was still Manny who gave the green light in the end. It was still Manny who took three strikes in Yankee Stadium. It was still Manny who shoved a Red Sox employee to the ground, slapped Kevin Youkilis in public, demanded a trade, and faked injury in the middle of a pennant race. ...
He adds:
... The most irritating part of Simmons' rant is that he tries to come off as the voice of all Sox fans. He thinks himself Tribunus Plebis (tribune of the people) of Red Sox Nation. But it's difficult to have the pulse of a New England fanbase from Los Angeles. ...
But Scott Boras is no innocent bystander, either.
Manny fired his long standing agent and hired Boras just this season, but it certainly wasn't without full knowledge of what the man has done for other high-flying clients. The reputation Boras has as an agent who, rightly or wrongly, goes out and makes gargantuan deals is well known. Boras is not in the business for altruistic reasons - he wants to get paid!
Manny was coming up to the end of his contract, looking at the potential of being 'stuck' in Boston for another two years courtesy of the Red Sox exercising their right to activate the option years on his contract. Don't tell me that Boras didn't give Manny the 'wink-wink, nudge-nudge' to ratchet up his usual antics to levels that were sure to get him a one-way ticket out of town - and a nice little kiss in the mail for Boras. Note to Simmons: the Red Sox are paying Manny's salary right now in LA! That's a strategic chess move?
Using Johnny Damon and Derek Lowe as examples of the front office tarnishing traded players doesn't quite work. Neither of them behaved anywhere near as poorly or as publicly as Manny, and both are seemingly happy in their present situations. Admittedly, some 'rumors' about them were aired upon their departure: Damon's perceived injury issues, Lowe's fondness for adult beverages. But both have moved on with little fanfare.(D-Lowe is pitching tonight, and is the most winning pitcher in the majors right now.)
The proof will be in the pudding next year, when Manny has successfully landed the huge contract he's looking for. It won't be long before his behavior settles down and he's back to normal. Heck, it started before the ink was even dry on the trade papers. How pathetic is it when you're haggling over the length of Manny's dreads as part of the deal? Torre wanted 10 inches off, Manny pushed back with 4 inches. They settled for five. Sad.
if dodgers play red sox...manny gets a ring either way!
he also will get a full playoff share form each team. he cant lose!
That's Only If...
... they vote him one. Remember, the team votes on who does and doesn't get playoff shares. The Sox have been very generous with these things in the past, voting shares to just about everybody, as well as giving rings to clubhouse boys, announcers, office personnel, etc., so it IS likely that Manny would still get his. However, not a done deal :-)
i know people on the inside
he is getting a full share from boston and LA
You know people on the inside?
Are you a surgeon?
yes, i am a brain surgeon
and i used to work in the red sox clubhouse, but not as a surgeon.
Cool. I thought it was an assumption. I didn't know you knew folks.
Did Nomar get one? I
Did Nomar get one? I honestly can't remember.
nomar got a ring
and half a playoff share
What was Dan Duquette like?
dan duquette
i know im dating myself but i was there before duquette! lou gorman era. i wish i had stuck it out. i have friends that have been there for years and they all have rings!