Tom Finneran angling for role in mustard commercial
Leans out the window of his limo as the White House motorcade comes to a stop and asks:
And cut!
The Outraged Liberal ponders the irony of the tough-on-crime ex-speakah angling for a pardon:
... I applaud Mitt Romney for his decision not to sign the letter as much as I question Dukakis for his decision to do so.
Finneran is guilty of something far worse than a white collar crime. He sat before a federal jury and lied about how he used his influence and authority in conducting the public's business.
What message would we be sending by letting him say "I'm sorry" and go back to practicing law and collecting his pension as if nothing had happened? ...
It would be outrageous
Pardons should be reserved for special circumstances meriting compassion, understanding, or redress of an injustice. How does this bullying, arrogant thug of a former Speaker meet any of those standards???
He didn't have to serve any time, he'll always find some Hub entity to put him on a payroll, and he's shown no signs of genuine contrition. He experienced a monumental fall from grace, and there is a sense of personal tragedy in that, but it was hubris that led him down that path.
The meme about Mike Dukakis being
"clean as a hound's tooth" has taken a beating lately. Michael himself may have been clean (AFAIK) but his assistants? Another story entirely.