Unemployment agrees with her
Aside from that tiny voice inside her head warning the money's going to run out fairly soon, Sassy Sundry reports she's just like those people in that Globe story: She's enjoying her forced time off:
... My life has a natural rhythm to it these days. I get up without an alarm clock. I stay in my jammies long past when it is proper. The Great American Novel this blog ain't, but these scribbles represent the first writing I have done in over a year. I've been cooking real food again, with joy instead of begrudging necessity. I made bread this week! Last week I cooked dinner for Date, and yesterday I had my sister and nephew over for lunch. Sure I also spent Tuesday working on my resume and sending out applications (I can't be completely impractical), but I've also spent a lot of time imagining how my life could be. Because if I am really honest with myself, if I could get away with it, I would never work in an office again. ...
I still don't believe it.
I've been getting a few
I've been getting a few things done while I'm in between consulting gigs, which is good.
But -- having just had huge expenses, and since consultants don't get UI -- the goodness of free time is outweighed by wondering how I'm going to pay rent if more work doesn't come along soon.
While the details of everyone's situations are different, I think it is pretty usual right now for people to be unemployed and *very concerned* about how things are going to work out.
I agree... Time off is nice...
I was laid off at the end of January... And I am very much enjoying my time off right now. Especially on a day like today. The weather was so nice, and I had to be outside.
Things will turn around eventually. But for now, I am enjoying the lack of employment.
I am in the exact same situation (even the cooking part). I totally understand and feel the same way!
wish i could relate
I totally can understand where this is coming from, especially the bit about staying in jammies, and wish I could relate. In my case the fear of how I'll pay for rent and food trumps all.
i hear ya ...
I hear ya about the fear, been there and worked my way through it, and can now enjoy nice spring days w/o worrying (too much) about how long money will last for ...
In this economy getting a job is basically a numbers games, apply for enough jobs and you'll (probably) get one especially if your skilled at something. However, don't let your fear make you blindly apply for every job you see, the last thing you want is to take some job you'll know you'll hate (unless you really, really have to).
I think it's a good idea to think about what companies or types of companies you want to work for and target them, don't forget to include colleges as sometimes they can be doing some cool cutting edge stuff. Also, figure out whose getting Federal Stimulus money! And look at the State & Federal job listings, mightn't be ideal places to work, but the benefits ain't bad, and you get decent vacation time. The Fed's appear to pay more than the State (for equivalent jobs). For most Fed jobs you need to be a US citizen, for the State a citizen or legal resident (green card holder).
Just remember, any job you get might not pay as much your previous job.
A lot of people do badly on their first few interviews, or phone interviews. Don't let it get you down, use them as practise, and get comfortable with interviewing! Even have friends phone you out of the blue to test impromptu telephone interviews.
There are jobs (unless the economy really goes into the shitter), there is a lot of competition, happy hunting! :)
Now, the people I really worry about are those with no or few skills, they're really going to suffer.