Despite their appearance, and the gentility of musical pieces by Saint-Saens, Tchaikovsky and Sibelius, Swans are very mean-spirited birds and will as soon bite your hand off as look at you. I know...I did make a peaceful overture to a swan once by a lakeside and was rewarded with a violent, hissing gesture.
Do Not...I Say Do NOT Walk Up To A Swan
Despite their appearance, and the gentility of musical pieces by Saint-Saens, Tchaikovsky and Sibelius, Swans are very mean-spirited birds and will as soon bite your hand off as look at you. I know...I did make a peaceful overture to a swan once by a lakeside and was rewarded with a violent, hissing gesture.
omg swans
1) Thanks for getting all those pieces stuck in my head ALL AT ONCE.
2) You can walk up to them, just make sure you do it with a big stick extended in front of you. Pretty entertaining, actually.
Lesbian Love Birds
The swans are both females, as all Proper Bostonians are aware.
A Boston Marriage?