Why I am Running for State Representative in the 10th Suffolk District West Roxbury, Brookline and Roslindale by Pamela Julian
visit our campaign website: pamelajulian.com
We will collectively bring change to the Massachusetts State House on September 14 with the power of our votes!
We will work hard to fight for transparency and an ethical, civically engaged political system.
My political campaign work began in West Roxbury one long arduous summer for mayoral candidate Dave Finnegan. I organized one of Finnegan's winning precincts, Bellevue Hill. My son, often in tow during the Finnegan campaign, attended Holy Name School and received his first Holy Communion at Holy Name Church. Now I reside in the Brookline section of the 10th Suffolk District...Read more pamelajulian.com.
More than one thousand voters supported our 93 day 2008 primary campaign to change a dysfunctional political system.
Now we are calling on the same one thousand plus voters to bring ten friends each to the polls.
That's how we can win!
Ready to Listen
Ready to Bring Change to the Massachusetts State House
Ready to solve Problems
Ready to Serve
Join us!
Pamela S. Julian
Candidate for State Representative 10th Suffolk District
campaign website: pamelajulian.com