Discussing same-sex couples at that school in Lexington
On Pasquinade, Amy gives a thumbs up to the Lexington principal who refuses to back down on the issue:
... I can understand that this is an uncomfortable topic for many people. Lots of people believe gay relationships are wrong. I don't get why they're wrong, but that's me. But I don't think ignoring the fact that gay relationships happen is the way to handle this. The Lexington schools don't endorse gay relationships. They just say that gay people can have children and make a family as well. A good parent would see that the topic came up in the classroom, and sit a child down and have an honest discussion about the parent's beliefs. What's next? A lawsuit about dinosaurs? Dinosaurs go against the Bible. ...
On Grand Mental Station, Beth tries to see it from the parents' perspective:
... Do I believe tolerance for same-sex couples should be the norm? Absolutely. But i'd be willing to trade not having that be a part of public school curriculum if it meant that no one's ideas about morality were presented in schools, that we never had issues like this, and that kids were just learning reading, writing, and arithematics instead.