Boston police leaking documents to discredit Dianne Wilkerson?
David Bernstein suggests it's payback time for the boys in blue as Wilkerson faces a tough election:
... Most of what you see about Wilkerson in the papers is leaked from within the BPD. The Boston Police Patrolmen's Association and the Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society have long despised Wilkerson, in large part because she has periodically advocated on behalf of those claiming to have been wronged by police. ...
Then again, it's not as if Wilkerson, facing a tough challenge mainly because she forgot to file enough signatures on time, hasn't managed to get herself in lots of trouble without the help of the Boston police.
Ernie on Blue Mass Group considers the role of DA Dan Conley in all this and says any leaking campaign could backfire:
... One of the biggest issues in urban crime fighting is trust of police officers. People in the "community' see dishonest cops all the time. The see abusive cops all the time. Many have experience with cops lying under oath. Many white decent middle class suburban people have had the occasion to experience a police lying about something they did. You can't do anything about that.
Now Dan Conley is saying, if you ever testify differently that that of a Boston Police officer then I will go after you. Nice warm and fuzzy feeling when you see something go down.
Dianne Wilkerson will be singing this to the community. A community that has life experiences making this a reasonable assumption. ...
I'm still sort of new to
I'm still sort of new to Boston. Who is she?
State senator with a criminal record
Boston Magazine profile.
Dianne has always supported us
Senator Wilkerson has represented the most diverse district in Massachusetts for the past 14 years - and has done an outstanding job. Possibly one of the most accomplished Senators in Massachusetts. Along the way it seems that bucking the status quo has rubbed a few people the wrong way. That's what it takes to get the job done. It takes real leadership to pass racial profiling reforms as the only minority member of the Senate. That's something, and someone, very special. I don't have a lot of money so I'm thanking Dianne with my vote on Sept. 19th. Thanks Dianne for supporting our community. Keep up the good work.