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Back Bay alley napping

KingVitaman photographs a homeless man sleeping in a Back Bay alley:

The irony here is that this alley runs parallel to two of the richest, most popular, well-traveled streets in Boston.

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If they didn't litter all the time, and piss in the doorways, and beg outside every shop, and get in your face by the ATM, and steal the odd handbag, I might have some sympathy. As it is, I don't.

Mostly, they are homeless because they are winos or drug addicts.

I just don't give a damn if they pass out face down in the alley, except insofar as it makes my alley look dirty. Maybe someone could invent a bum sweeper?

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i've talked to many homeless people and had extensive conversations with them. the great majority i have talked to are homeless by choice, as crazy as it sounds. if you were to rent an apartment for one of these guys and provide food and water, they would reject it and return to the streets. there are resources for them if they want to get off the street and most of them reject those resources.

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Would you prefer that this homeless man leave the Newbury Street alley and set up temporary 'residence' at your house/apartment? I highly doubt it.

Have you ever been threatened by a large drunk homeless man who outweighs you by 100 pounds? I doubt that too.

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Did you call the police?
Some of the homeless are aggressive around here.
Call the cops *every* time one of them bothers you. Maybe then we'll get the Mayor's attention. Let's get the bums away from Boston's best geography. Cambridge loves bums. Let's ship them to Cambridge.

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