When you get too old to be hip
Mike Mennonno's put back up an edited version of his deconstruction of a Weekly Dig feature on good places at which to get smashed, the post in which he concludes Dig Editor Joe Keohane is getting too old for that sort of thing:
... As for The Dig's reports from local pubs. Most caught the flavor. Lissa Harris's report from my local dive, the Banshee, was perfectly delightful. But then you get to Editor-in-Chief Joe Keohane's--now there's a good old Irish name for you there--and it's just oozing and dripping with pretentiousness. And it's not like I've got anything against Joe, God knows. But come on, with the Dig's "Media Farm" column, he takes on the local press for their pretentiousness every week. Could he finally have become what he despises, and not even know it? Or does he know it full well, and he's finally ready to come out? Obviously, an intervention's in order. ...