The Dig dug
By adamg on Thu, 05/03/2007 - 7:28pm
Adam Reilly at the Phoenix isn't gloating one bit as he wraps up all the changes at the Weekly Dig.
Could the following, asked to two woman at a memorial show for that bicyclist killed by a truck, be the dumbest Dig Exit Poll question ever? Fortunately, matched by the dumbest answer ever:
So getting hit by a truck must suck, huh?
D: Hell, yeah.
A: I've actually always wanted to get hit by a truck, just to see what it would feel like. I really have. ...
These folks think it's pretty high on the stoopid meter.
Free tagging:
The question itself isn't
The question itself isn't bad, the problem lies in where it was asked. I don't even find a problem with the answer, per se. When I got hit by a car on my bike last year, the first thought in my head as I sailed through the air was, "So this is what it's like to get hit by a car..." The second thought was, "TUCK AND ROLL!" In hindsight, those would've done well to had been reversed.
A clever response to a ridiculous question
Points to "A", whoever she is, for quick thinking.
dear hubsters and lemmings
Years and years of us blathering on about bicycle advocacy, and a glowing, GLOWING profile of Gordon Riker a few years back--and it's the one-liner about the truck that everybody will remember. So it goes.
As the Dig editor mainly responsible for the exit polls, I should have scrutinized that one harder. Sorry about the stoopid. I'll own it. I was born in a barn.
This, too: If I ever off it in some heinously tragic way, Barry, our Exit Pollster, hereby has my express permission to ask the rudest questions he can think of at the very gates of the cemetery. And the Dig can write my obit. (Please God, don't let the Globe do it.)
Out of respect for Gordon Riker's family and friends, we've taken the exit poll off our website. It was over the line, and we apologize.