The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today the state has the authority to let Cape Wind build transmission lines to its proposed Nantucket Sound windmills.
Cape Wind
By adamg - 6/12/06 - 1:22 pm
Charlie on the MTA notes that, thanks in part to Ted Kennedy's objection to the Cape Wind project, wind-power projects all over the country have ground to a halt:
... This is plainly an attempt at paralysis by analysis by Senators Kennedy and Warner. How ironic that a supposed environmentalist Senator is strangling an entire fledgling industry -- one that is clean; that will contribute to energy independence; and will fight global warming. ...
By adamg - 4/29/06 - 3:45 pm
That would be Charlie on the MTA on the lefty Blue Mass. Group expressing his outrage over Ted Kennedy's back-room dealing to kill the Cape Wind project.